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"FAY CMON YOURE GONNA BE LATE ON YOUR FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!" My mother yelled from the kitchen downstairs.

"I'm coming!" I said still wrapped into my warm fat blanket.

I couldn't get myself to get up from such a warm place, but I had to. I hear my mothers footsteps and I quickly get up as fast as possible and put on some hoodie and jeans and I pretended to brush my hair.
My mom comes in and looks at me.

"Good. I thought I'd need to beat yo ass." She says and closes the door.

I sigh from relief, and sit on the bed. I had this kind of closet where the doors had mirrors on them so I looked at myself.

"Jesus Christ

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"Jesus Christ." I say to myself.

"FAY HURRY THE FUCK UP! DONT MAKE ME COME UP THERE AGAIN! YOU HEAR ME?" My mother yelled again from the kitchen downstairs.

"Okay okay I'm coming.... Jesus." I say it quietly under my breath.

I put on some quick makeup, take my backpack and go downstairs.

"I'm here. Jesus." I said as I was walking down the stairs.

"Don't you talk to me about Jesus. How many times do I have to tell you to get your stupid fat ass downstairs?" She said as she cooked me breakfast.

I sit for the table and look at her.

"So.... So you think I have a fat ass? 🥺" I say sarcastically.

As usually, she takes it the wrong way or she just doesn't know what sarcasm is so she always thinks I'm serious.

" I will whoop your motherfucking ass. So then you will have no ass. "She says and gives me the disgusted look.

I chuckle, and take some water from the fridge. I sit back where I was and check the time on my phone.

"Monday, 7:28am No notifications."

I sigh again and slightly lay down on the table.

Just in time I hear someone yawning very loudly. It was no one else then my mothers fucking creepy boyfriend.

"Good morning, hottness." He says and kisses my mom.


"Good morning, hottness #2." He says and looks at my direction. He winks and goes to the toilet.

I roll my eyes and look at me mom. She never noticed anything weird about her own boyfriend calling me disgusting names??? She was happy, and that was all that mattered. Anything that had to do with me, was not important. It was never important. All she thought was about her, and her happiness. And of course her disgusting little boyfriend.

My mom finished cooking, and puts a plate in front of me to eat my breakfast. I start eating.

He gets out of the bathroom and burps loudly with a hand under his shirt, touching his belly.

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