A little bit different part

99 16 46

Hey everyone!

So basically as I was looking at ships, I found a really good quiz at BuzzFeed! You have to rate Harry Potter ships in it, and it will decide your Hogwarts House for you! For me it said Ravenclaw, and what should I say, I am quite happy with that! I am actually a Slytherin, but Ravenclaw is my second house, and I feel like I might be sorted there if I ever got a chance to go to Hogwarts lol.

Here is the link, try it out if you wanna!:  https://www.buzzfeed.com/anjalipatel/harry-potter-ships-relationship  (does not work, but it is under the orange button, just click "external link"!)

And don't get angry if you don't get the house you are in as a result: remember, this is just a quiz for fun!:D

Also, if you want to, comment here your results!<3

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