1: Gold

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Hermione's heart pounded in her chest like the steady beat of the drums of war that ancient civilizations of old used to strengthen their men. However, instead of giving her the strength to charge into the fray, the frantic beating signified nothing but her fear. Everywhere she looked there was fighting. She ran the grounds of the school she once called home throwing curses and hexes at the masked minions of Voldemort.

Her voice scratchy and horse as she called out the names of her best friends in between each spell she cast. The sun had set what felt like years ago, leaving the only source of light outside to be the myriad of colors that exploded from each wand in the battle. Hermione had lost sight of her friends in the fray sometime after she left the chamber of secrets with Ron, leaving the destroyed Horcrux to rot with the bones of the basilisk that had petrified her in their second year.

"Harry! Ron!" she cried looking at each of the faces of those around her. Professor McGonagall was locked in a duel with three masked deatheaters. The Patil twins were back to back working like a well oiled machine, casting and dodging in perfect harmony as if they were one. Sweet, shy Neville stood tall battling a deatheater of his own, blood and sweat staining his skin and clothes, a look of determination set on his face. Hermione's eyes darted from face to face begging to find the mop of unruly raven hair or freckled face of the boy she had kissed just an hour ago.

There! The lithe form of her best friend stood at the entrance of the school, wand at the ready, glasses askew. "Harry!" Hermione's heart leapt and she broke into a run towards him. Her small feet flew over the slick grass.

At the sound of her voice, Harry's attention snapped to her and he darted towards her. It all happened so fast. One second, there was nothing but a few meager strides between the two. Then next a figure caught Hermione's eye to Harry's right. Before she could even think she dove towards her friend to shove him out of the way. A bright flash of purple filled her vision as she came to collide with him.

Pain erupted along her torso as the two hit the ground and a breathy voice began to hiss in her head calling for a cease-fire allowing both sides to collect their fallen and heal their injured along with delivering Harry to Voldemort. Hermione tried desperately to shut out the voice but to no relief. Her eyes were too heavy and breathing was too difficult, never mind strong occlumency. She gasped for air and rolled off of her friend to lay on her back. Her torso screamed out in a vicious fiery pain but she held her screams as she looked over Harry.

He was battered and bloody but was well enough to sit up. Good, Harry was safe. She managed to push him out of the way in time. That was good. He looked terrified though. That's not so good. She mused to herself. She had seen him face down horrible, awful, terrifying things, but she had never seen him look like this. "You ok?" she gasped.

At the sound of her voice he sprung into action and pushed roughly against her neck and chest causing her to scream out as the pain coursed through her, tears springing in his eyes, "'Mione don't talk! You'll be okay. I can fix this. Someone is gonna come and they'll heal you. Don't talk" Harry looked around them, "HELP!" He screamed at the top of his lungs as the blood pushed against his hands, rushing out of Hermione's small frame.

Order members ran up to Harry, McGonagall rushing to his aid only to see Hermione laying there and the blood covering the two of them. She set to work and began feverishly casting spell after spell to try and stop the bleeding ordering someone to get Poppy Pomfrey.

Hermione fought so hard to keep her eyes open and looking at Harry but they became so, so heavy. "Harry. I'm okay. You're okay. I-" she gasped and smiled softly, her lips lined with the blood she had coughed while trying to breathe, "believe in you."

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