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Serraphina's POV

We arrived at my best friend's house in Hathaway for the party.

Pacifica Lennon's parents are wealthy, well, maybe not as much as my mum, but atleast happiness lingered.

The Hathaway neighbourhood was the only one in the whole town of Semmens to have every house on its road a mansion.

We drive into the mansion and the valet takes our keys and we step into the building.

There are men and women inside clinging glasses and laughing with an accent.

I've attended such parties before but have never attempted to laugh like that.

Only God knows what I'll sound like with my Australian accent.

I look across the gigantic hall and spot Pacifica on the other side in a pink wavy ballgown.

Speaking from everyone else's attire tonight, I definitely stood out with my short Burgundy dress.

I didn't mind, I hate ball gowns enough to look odd.

Considering the fact that this was her Sweet Sixteen, she did not stand out at all because I could clearly see about four people in the same gown so she should be happy if they can tell her from the crowd.

"Sarah, you made..." Pacifica hugged me before stepping back a bit to get a good look at my dress.

"The invitation said..."

"Ball gowns, I know. But we both know that wasn't happening," I caught her off to explain.

Pacifica knows I wouldn't wear that but she just keeps trying.

"Barbie never wore short gowns," she mumbled something I wish I never heard.

"What?" I question, pretending like I didn't hear her.

"Nothing. It's just that I was hoping we could play a little Barbie prank tonight," she said and giggled.

That seriously scared me.

Pranks and Barbie don't match except it comes with over exaggerated songs and woodlike movements.

"I have something really fun that we can do. My sisters and I planned it all day."

These sisters of hers were six and ten.

I slowly nod and watch her squeal before she drags me off.

"I promise you won't regret this."

I already am.

"You have to change out of this outfit by the way."

I nod again.

If you can't beat them, join them.

She takes me to a princess themed bedroom, obviously hers, goes into the closet and hands me a light-shaded purple gown with ruffles, glitter and -

I think I'm gonna be sick.

This dress was the second most horrifying thing that has happened to me...

First was Fri-

"Go try it on," Pacifica startles me out of my thoughts and I go into her walk-in closet.

I put on the dress and she drags me out into the main hall again and we stand next to her sisters.

Her father, Mr. Lennon, goes up on stage and calls on fathers and daughters for the Father - Daughter Dance.

He walks up to us and Pacifica whispers to me, "Wait for it."

Oh God. Please don't do something stupid.

Mr. Lennon holds out his hand and Pacifica grabs onto mine,"NOW!"

Her sisters run away and she drags me away... again. We got to the hallway and stopped.

I listen closely and I almost face palm myself when I hear what's playing in the background, 'princesses wanna have fun'.

We run behind the curtains and start crawling. My hand slips out and one of the guards exclaim, "They're behind the curtains!"

Adrenaline pumps into me and I sprint across the hallway back into the main hall. Pacifica and her sisters are giggling behind me as they run as well and I can't help but giggle too.

I go underneath a large table in the centre with the girls behind me. I hear footsteps come towards the table and as soon as the person sits down, I push my hand out and make a growling noise.

We poke out our faces from under the table as Pacifica's mom's scream rings across.

The girls look frightened for a second before their mischievous grins appear again and we run out from under the table.

We try to run out the door but some guards block the entrance and Mr. Lennon stands in front of us.

He looks really mad.

"You ditched me to play dress up?"

I sighed and placed my English text book back into my locker. Joey was still mad about the fact that I left him at the party to play with Pacifica.

"I wasn't playing dress up. I was having fun," I reply trying to sound defensive.

"Since when do you have fun?" he asked as if that was impossible.

Minimum wave of offence passed through me but I just sighed and brushed it off. I really didn't want to fight with Joey today, or tomorrow... Or ever.

He was staring at me and I started directly back. He huffed and walked away. I left to the bathroom. I was going to solve that problem, just not now.

My foot went big toe first into the concrete wall round the corner to the bathroom and immediately the door swung open.

I didn't overthink it because I thought someone had just gone out but when I went in, I saw no one going out, coming in or present.

Then who opene-

The door slammed shut with a great thud and a familiar wind blew past me. It said words unheard before leaving me to silence.

Instead of fear, I was curious. I wanted to call out to the wind and listen closely to its wordless words but no sound came out when I tried to speak.

That didn't stop me from trying but all I accomplished was a wounded tongue and and empty thoughts.

Tran tran tran.

Footsteps outside the door which were not stopping anytime soon. The sound of feet clanged past the door and it creaked open. The wind came again but this time, with words clearly heard.

He is here.

Who was here?

I thought, should I run?

Stay... He's here.

I stayed put waiting for him as the door kept creaking open, and then, bang! It opened... To an empty hallway.

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