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Miranda, Cristina, Arizona and Callie followed Teddy down the hallway from the conference room, away from the large group of whispering surgeons, down the hallway. As Teddy crashed her way through a set of heavy double doors, her blonde hair flopping against her back in it's ponytail as she ran, skipping around Bokhee who pushed a patient in a wheelchair. Her friends lost sight of her amongst a large family who were searching for their family member who was a patient in the hospital. Miranda, Cristina, Arizona and Callie skidded to a halt as the large family vacated the area, their white sneakers squeaking on the dark blue linoleum flooring. They stopped in the crossroads to four corridors and looked around, searching for their blonde cardiothoracic surgeon friend.

"Where did she go?" Miranda asked, her short dark hair flapping around her shoulders as she whipped her head back and forth, "She can't have gone far, she's seven months pregnant, surely she can't run that fast."

"Well, she isn't that way, we have just come from there." Callie said, pointing down the hallway they had just run up.

"Thank you, captain obvious, because that is really helpful." Arizona said, sarcasm, laced through her voice.

"Well, I don't see you offering anything helpful." Callie snapped back.

"Right, you two, cut it out, none of this is helping." Miranda said. She turned to Cristina. "Where would Altman go?"

"How should I know?" Cristina said, her stomach was doing somersaults with worry about Teddy. The blonde cardio thoracic surgeon was an extremely sensitive soul, although she pretended not to be, with all her baggage, even the smallest thing could push her over the edge.

"Well, let me think, you live with her, you know her best and not to mention you have followed her around this hospital for the last two years, you know all the places she likes, the places she doesn't like." Callie said sassily with a tone in her voice that Cristina did not much appreciate.

"Think, Yang, think where would Altman go?" Miranda urged her.

Rolling her eyes at Callie, Cristina thought. Where would Teddy hide? At that moment, Cristina's brain went to Owen's favourite spot in the hospital, the vent room, and she had no idea why. Cristina knew for a fact that Teddy hated the vent room, it was too loud for her. "Attendings lounge, operating floor, on-call room or the roof." She said as soon as Teddy's favourite places in the hospital entered her brain.

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