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Of all people, Sophie had been expecting the beautiful boy with silver dipped bangs to come in the least.

"Yeah, hey." Tam muttered.

"I...uh... Make yourself comfortable!" Sophie wasn't used to having him in her bedroom so she watched him with interest as he nodded in gratitude and shuffled awkwardly across the room to sit at her desk, noticeably far away from where she was, at her bed.

Sophie suddenly became very conscious of her smeared makeup.

"Um, is something wrong?" Sophie said after a moments silence, whilst frantically picking at the now dried blob of mascara on her cheek.

"Yes and no," Tam rubbed the back of his head.
"What do you mean?" Sophie looked up at him.
"I mean yes, but not in the way you're thinking. It's more... Personal problems."

Tam fidgeted in discomfort, he obviously wasn't used to sitting in girls rooms that weren't Linh's.

Sophie shuffled over to the foot of the bed, now interested. "What is it?" She eagerly awaited response.

"Well, you're a girl. How would you want a... Well... A boy to... Y'know, ask you out?"
Sophie didn't try to hide her shock.

"Wait, you want me for advice on how to... Successfully ask a girl out?"
"For who?" Sophie watched Tam weighing out his options: Tell Sophie and have her advice, not tell Sophie and not get her advice.

Tam sighed, "For Biana."

That was like a blow to the gut, and Sophie wasn't sure why. She should be so happy that Tam was going after Biana, but then she looked at him, and saw the way his eyes glazed over as if he were in some beautiful dream when he mentioned her, made Sophie want to punch and kick and scream.

Sophie took a deep breath and told him...

What should Sophie tell him?

a) Get her flowers, confess your love, show her how much you care - (Wait for next update for chapter number)

b) Mumble it, seem nonchalant and uncaring. Girls don't like it when you go over the top - (Wait for next update for chapter number)

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