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Keefe turned and stormed out of the room, without a glance behind. Sophie watched, feeling somewhat guilty, as he slammed the door after he left.

She wasn't sure why she was feeling guilty, he was the one asking her for private information; was she really the bad guy for at least wanting to know why before sharing?

Plus it felt somewhat wrong straight up telling Keefe she did in fact still like Fitz, although she couldn't quite place why.

Sophie resisted the urge to go running after him apologising over and over until he finally forgave her, and instead turned to her mirror to fix her makeup for Foxfire.

"You screwed up big time." Vertina tutted at her.

"Why is that, exactly?" Sophie snapped at her nosy mirror.

"Haven't you seen the way that boy looks at you? Surely it was obvious why he wanted to know if you still liked Fitz." Vertina said it as if it were the most blatant thing in the world.

"Keefe doesn't see me that way." Sophie brushed the comment off.

"You think you know everything don't you? That poor boy has been set on winning you over from day one."

Sophie once again dismissed Vertina.

"Keefe has never been 'set on winning me'. If you're referring to the way he goes on about Team Foster-Keefe or the Foster fanclub or whatever, then know that is just his personality, nothing more."

"Maybe partially," Vertina started, "But if that's the case then why doesn't he do it to your other friends?"

Sophie shook her head and moved away, clearing the thoughts from her mind.

What stupid ideas.

Keefe Sencen liking her?


This didn't stop Sophie from asking herself, in the middle of Elvin History, what if Vertina was right?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2021 ⏰

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