#7 Love?

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Rhazar's POV

"It's been 2 weeks, WHERE IS SHE!?!?" He sounds so angry, she's just another mutant pawn. So why is he so angry?

"We have been searching all over the city for her, but her scent has since disappeared..."

"GRAHHH!!! YOU ARE USELESS, YOU'RE ALL USELESS!" Shredder got up out of his throne, and left the room, slamming the door behind him.

"I don't understand why Shredder cares so much. Is she that valuable? Is she that powerful? What could it be?" I pondered

"You really don't get it?" Ugh, Looks like the bitch came back.

"What do you mean Karai?"

"Isn't it obvious? He liked her, like a lot." I was completely dumbfounded, no way.

"You must be delusional."

"Oh am I? Well, maybe the dog will learn in due time. Maybe, but maybe you should continue your search for her." And with that she left.

"It's just not possible, how could master feel anything for anyone, besides his own daughter of course. Well, Karai was right about one thing, I need to find her, I've got a few questions for her now."

___________(meanwhile at the lair)__________

"Oh c'mon (y/n), it's not that hard." Raph said, trying to get me to lay a hit on him.

"Bruh, I've literally never had training before this. There is no way in hell I'm gonna manage to hit ya." I was getting more and more frustrated.

"C'mon you gotta believe in yourself. Here lemme help with tour form." He came over and started moving my arms up and rearranging me. Then he moved one of his hands to my hip with the other on my shoulder. He left his hands there, and as my curiosity got me, I looked up to see Raph staring at me. A blush made it's way across my face. I panicked and pulled myself away. This definitely gave Raph the wrong idea. He looked so angry.

"Let me guess, it's because I'm a turtle right? Am I too ugly for you to look at, geezers, whyd I get my hopes up." With that Raph ran out of the dojo to go up to the city. I just stood there in shock. I didn't mean to upset him.

"What did you do?" I heard Leo's voice.

"I..." As I was about to turn to face him, I felt a hard hit to the back of my head and there it was, that all too familiar blackness I was so used too.


Rhazar pov

I was searching for the 15th day in a row for (y/n). I don't know if I will ever find her. But for my sake, I hope I do. As I was hopping buildings, I see the turtles vehicle, and get ready for a fight. But what I saw, I swear I could almost kiss them. There she was, but why was the blue one leaving her in an alley. And he drove off.


Short, I know, but it gives yall a lil something. Also, I did this on break so I'm sorry if it feels rushed or anything.

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