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Heroes they call us yet, humans come to think of it as much as the name makes us.

We have abnormal patterns in our blood which provides us with,





Then on the other hand,we come to mutate.

That now, is my case.

But, my dear friend, I come to realization now, I do not want to be abnormal. I loath being this way. Now I come to appreciate my past in a way I never did before.


Remarkably, the answer directed to this question comes to my mind in several identities. I might as well describe it as the scene currently happening before me...

The blur in my eyesight while my body collapses in the cold dark pavement, her sobbing whilst he is taking her away.

My head aching as if a sledgehammer was thrown over it in a swift and precise movement making me-- it's target, suffer. Several wounds covering my body, my suit ripped, half of my mask filled with blood the other half ripped in the ground.

I am dying.

No, I bet you come to conclude "of course with the severity described before who would be in paradise?" Well, reality isn't it. So stop--really is annoying, how your subconscious is at all times trying to come to be coherent based on the situation.

The VERY reason I owe my dilemma at the moment is her.

Simply her,

She being the only weakness I posses.

She being the only person keeping me alive.

Her, the only feminine figure around my age, knowing my discomforting secret...And ACCEPTING me...REAL ME.

I was not capable, though, of knowing the consequences of this "drastic changes" that came upon mutation.

They might have been explained,as clever as the water in Roatan(A|N Honduran island,you should definitely give it a visit sometime) yet,when the time to face the matter comes into your own life, the loathing for yourself and what you have become overwhelms you, changing everything you once were, into something indistinguishable.

And now at this moment, I have entered my breaking point.

But is definite,

I have lost her, my life in a flip of a moment has become a rollercoaster without curse. And coming to think of it I am remembering as blackness consumes me those times in my life in which I had the nerve to deceive the people who once cared of me.

My mind comes up with a set of flashbacks,that come to produce a terrible pain. Much unbearable for my distate. I kind of deserve it though.

What Kind Of Hero Am I?

I don't even know why I am called that anymore...

I left Gwen--my only and true love, die in my 'friend' hands...or should I said I should've caught her in time? All the blame is on me anyway.

Then there's Uncle Ben,no comments about it, Mom and Dad, Aunt May, as well as some of my attempts to save people. And countless times when I failed to do so.

So, yeah, the list goes on and on. Want to know the better part? Since I met...uh...I...

My mind shuts when I attempt to make my senses speak on it. My eyelids finally finding their way until they are completely shut.The unbearable pain strikes once more over me until, out of nowhere, it comes to an abrupt halt.

After a while I let everything continue that way and I stop to feel ANYTHING....


Damn it,that's a shame he fought for his life and now it ends up like this....


Want to find out keep on reading you lazy ass! (see, I rhymed without sass)...a little?

Anyhow,I hope you've liked this,also I hope you would be your pretty self and leave me a comment and vote

OH! and remember to tell others about this book if you find it interesting

BTW how was the cover? cuz I know I am sucky on such things tell me YOUR honest opinion....



Inbox me!( I am not kidding) if you'd like a chapter to be yours...........not literal but you know what I mean dedicated at least so yeah,BYE!

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