First Date

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The brisk evening breeze cascades over my bare legs. I almost never wear things that show off my legs, but on such a special occasion I thought it would be fitting. I mean, it's not everyday that you get a date with The infamous Jonkler. Obviously I wanted to look nice for him, but is this too much? Oh god, what will he think of me?

"Lost in your thoughts of me?"

The sound of his voice causes me to jump. I slowly raise my head until I can see his gleaming smile. His cool eyes look me up and down as a blush profusely. 

"I-I was just-!" I stammer. He proceeds to chuckle at my failed explanation.

"No need to explain sweetheart. C'mon, we've got a date to go on." 

He holds out his hand to me. I can't help but stare at his intricate tattoos. On the hand closest to me was a laughing mouth tattoo. I couldn't help but think about how adorable his maniacal laughs are. Those melodious chuckles fill me with warmth and the deepest longing. 

I shake myself out of that indulgent daydream and let my beloved pull me to my feet. His grip is secure on my delicate hand. His strength has me swooning. I'm disappointed that he let go of my hand once I was on my feet, but this disappointment is quickly resolved when I see where he is guiding me. 

The Jonkler nonchalantly walks towards a bright purple sports car.

"Is that really yours!?" I ask in shock. 

"Of course, baby. Only the best for you."

I bury my face in my hands as I flush bright red. The Jonkler brushes off my embarrassment and opens the passenger side door for me. I step inside and wait for him to do the same. Once he enters the car, I ask him an important question.

"So, where are we going?"

"It's a very special place my dear. I'm sure you'll love it."

My mind begins racing with where we could be going. The Jonkler and I are from two different walks of life. I can barely wrap my head around all of the twisted things he gets up to. At some point, I stopped trying to come up with ideas. I trust his to take me some place great. 

Just as my head clears, I glance over at The Jonkler. At that very minute, he brushed his hand trough his bright green hair. His suave movements instantly put me in a daze. I trace his arms with my intense gaze. Even with his loose sleeves, his biceps are easily spotted. They flex with even the smallest movements. He glances over at me and clearly sees me starring. He winks at me, causing me to erupt into a blushing fit once again. 

Chuckling, The Jonkler says "You're so easy to fluster. I'll never get tired of it because it's adorable."

"Stoooop~" I say while lightly slapping his arm. 

At that moment, The Jonkler pulls into a small parking lot. I didn't recognize where we were, I was too distracted during the drive.  Once I step out of the car I get a better view of the location. A small, run-down diner stands tall in-front of us. 

"A diner?" I ask, but receive no answer. The Jonkler had already begun to make his way towards the restaurant.  His long legs caused him to me much faster than me, so I sprinted to catch up to him. 

When we arrive at the door, I read the sign out loud. 

"The best milkshake you'll ever taste."

"You see why I brought you here yet?" 

"No? I don't understa-" He cut me off.

"You'll see soon."

He yanks open the door with the strength of a hardened criminal. I follow him trough the door, swooning. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2022 ⏰

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