Chapter 2: The Trip

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Rolling dark black flames come across the white tiled floor. I look up and into a mirror, a face looks back at me I am not yet familiar with.

Dark blonde hair, deep hazel eyes, but yet my subconscious seems to recognize this face.

The walls were lined with light, that dimmed and lit back up at a slow speed.

Where was I? What was this place of dark light and flame?

No, it couldn't be.

"I see you have found your way back." I, or what I think is me, turn and see a being standing behind me made of brilliant light, but cutting through it were dark eyes.

"Where am I?" Surely my mind is not where it should be.

"Don't you remember?" The being asked, cocking his head to the side.

"Remeber what?" I was so confused.

"Do you honestly not remember my beautiful Eta?" The being asked and then my own mind seemed to jump ahead of itself.

"Fenex? Is that you?"

"Yes it is my beautiful human subject." The being hissed at me. He came closer, putting a hand on the side of my face, and leaned down to kiss me.


"Seraphina, wake up."

I opened my eyes, the light from an open window temporarily blinding me, and I turn to see one of my hired help standing there, a plate of sweet cinnamon scones and a cup of tea on a tray in his hands.

Of course they would send my butler Dylan in to come get me.

Dylan had been with me for nearly two years, and he had light blonde hair highlighted by black streaks that made his dark brown eyes stand out a little bit less than they already did. He onlly had to be just a few years older than me, and maybe a few months younger than Colin.

"Mr. Colin informed me that you had a flight today and I thought you should be well awake for it." Dylan said, setting the tray down on the bedside table as I sat up. "Pardon me if you do not think the same."

"No Dylan, it is fine. Thank you." I said as he hands me the cup of morning tea.

"And what shall you be wearing on this day?" Dylan asks as he opens my closet, waiting for my command.

"I'm feeling a bit more rebellious today, maybe something with chains, and more darker colors." I said as I took a scone and bit into it, the taste filling my mouth.

"What about this?" Dylan said, pulling out a dark red muscle shirt, decorated with a black bird and black spikes on the shoulder, along with a black skirt. He had also pulled out a pair of black boots with buckles lining the sides.

The boots were at least knee-high, and the skirt was pretty short, but I just wasn't in the mood to care today.

"That is good Dylan. Thanks. You may leave now." I said as i put the cup back down.

"Yes m'am." Dylan said, taking the tray and setting the clothes down on the bed. "Let me know if you need anything else." Dylan then left, shutting the door gently behind him. I heard his footsteps draw further and further away from the room, before I finally couldn't hear them.

I climbed out of bed, sliding out of my pajama bottoms and tank top. I put on what Dylan had laid out for me, and slipped on the boots as well. I went into the bathroom, grabbing my brush off of the counter and running it through my hair, putting it up in a black spiked clip. Walking back out, I grab a set of black and red bracelets off of my dresser and put those on, along with two banded rings with celtic designs on them.

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