News and well News!

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"So what do you say?" Nash asked.

I looked at Kayla and she did the same, "No." We both said. Everyone's happy face became sad and a frown was shown.

"W-what?" Hayes and Nash asked at the same time. I glanced at both of them and bursted out laughing same with Kayla.

"What's so funny?" Cam asked, "We were joking! Of course we'll go, we just wanted to see your reaction if we said no." I chuckled and they all looked relieved.

"You scared us, we thought you would actually say no!" Matt whined.

"Why would we ever do that?" Kayla asked putting a hand towards her heart.

"Well, I am bored." I said a few minutes later, after everyone was scattered on the floor.

"Then do something!" Kayla said scrolling through her phone, "Liiiiiike?"

"Like I don't know, anything but no PDA!" She yelled eyes still locked to the screen.

"Says the one who ate your crush's face off." I said simply, she shrugged and sat there on the floor doing nothing. That's how the day ended. It was 4:21 p.m and everybody went home except for us, Kayla and I.

"Oh, when we get back we need to ask mom and dad about the tour." Kayla said getting up. "Yeah, I'll make sure." I said standing up and dusting myself.

"Guys we're gonna go because it's kind of getting late, and we don't want our parents to worry," I said and the guys got up helping us open the door.

"Thanks." We both said and they replied with a 'bye'. We both walked home to see mom making dinner, and dad being the lazy one watching tv.

"We're home!" I said, mom turned around and nodded, "So did you make any friends?"

"What'd ya think we were out and about for?" Kayla asked laughing, "Oh yeah, well then dinner's ready!"

"Ok, thanks momma bear," and with that we all ate our dinner and got ready for bed.


Sorry for the short chapter, but I'll try to make it longer - Ilovecupcakes1111

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