chapter two:The truth tears people apart

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"Kopano wake up we have to go to the doctor".I woke up and took a bath and went to the doc with Ethan.while we were waiting for doctor Makgato I took a look at Ethan and I saw this excitement that I haven't seen in a while.The doc came in"how are you Mr and Mrs McCanzzy"said the doc while looking at Ethan as if they know each other.I decided to answer as Ethan was lost in his thoughts"we are good".
"I can see that you are here to check why you are unable to carry to term".I was scared but the I decided to be brave."yes doc ,Ethan I think we should both test".Ethan stared at Kopano for a few moments."sir would you stop staring at your wife and follow me".so we both went and did the test and the doc told us that the results would be out within an hour so we decided to wait.
There I was sitting with my husband drinking coffee in the canteen and the doc called us to her office.The doc was holding an envelope"may I read the results?". Ethan said yes not realising how scared I was."The results read as follow (this are the results of Mrs and Mr McCanzzy . Mrs McCanzzy womb has an infection that's why she is unable to have babies,her womb is damaged.As for Ethan you and your Can never be able to have babies because of ur chromosomes if your wife fall pregnant the baby won't survive.
I couldn't hold my tear I just cried and cried as Ethan held my hand"babe we can atleast try and pray that the Lord will answer our prayers".we went home and as soon as we got there I saw a car packing outside the garage and when we got inside my kitchen was a mess and I saw someone on the couch and guess who that person was, Ethan's mother Jeridah."mommy"as Ethan ran to his mom."greetings ma".she just kept quite and looked away at that point I was shattered by the results I got so I went to my room."mom why do you act so funny around my wife?"."do you call that thing a wife that gold digger that bitc* no Ethan."no mom I won't tolerate a word against my wife that woman means everything to me"that was the first time Ethan stood up and fought for his wife.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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