(4.)A clear night

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     Michael was having a moment. He still hasn't gotten used to this. Is he really dead? Though he's clearly alive. "It's so fucking confusing." Michael thought. He needed to clear his head.

     Michael snuck out the apartment Ennard and him shared the home Michael has known since he moved out of his parents house. Did Ennard sleep? Or just power off to "sleep"? He wasn't sure,but he assumed he had gotten away without disturbing the male robot.

     It was a nice,clear and cold night. Maybe he could talk to Ennard and see what he was like and why he's dead..and alive. As Michael walked and walked as he finally decided the park was where he was going to stay for a while. Michael sat on a swing. He'd forgotten what had happened for an hour or so.

     Michael grabbed his phone from his back pocket. He'd gotten a message? He dismissed it and put his phone away.

     Michael heard a noise from the bushes. "The hell?!" Michael said in a panic. He felt so embarrassed. It was a stray Cat.Why did he get scared and panic? Then he seen the pretty black cat arch it's back and hiss. Was it him? Does this cat know he's dead??  Michael flooded his head with hundreds of questions. He looked over his shoulder quickly. Ennard of course had followed him from the apartment here. That's why the cat was scared. Michael let himself relax a bit.

I have no clue what I was doing here- because I disappeared for a while 😭😭 anyways I'm most likely going to both fix and finish this one and leave the others be I'll also try to post something once a month because school kinda hard right now and I need to practice more on art than anything anyways goodnight/gooddayl/good morning dearys

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