(1.) Alongside the ocean

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     Michael... Michael... Michael. That's all Ennard can think about. Ennard sat alongside the ocean. He wondered what got him here. He was walking around outside for hours,though it felt like years. He was starting to miss Michael.

     His Michael. What was his Michael doing? Ennard lies down on the sand whilst putting his hands behind his head ,to make it seem like it was comfortable. Michael his beloved Michael. No one will take him from Ennard. He'll make sure of that. Ennard begins to wonder when he'll see his Michael.

     Ennard glances at the moon. Why was it so sad looking at the moon Ennard thought. It so beautiful. It's makes him hurt in a way he'll never understand.. Though it brings him joy.The joy of it being beautiful? Or the joy of it reminding him of Michael?

     Ennard loved Michael. Even during Michael's moments. He's moments where he can't control anything. Michael has moments where he cries,where he has uncontrollable anger, where he drinks non stop, or where Michael continuously says sorry for nothing. In Ennard eyes Michael was the definition of 'Perfect'.

     Ennard's thought began to hurt him.Not physically,, but mentally. He starts crying, and crying, and crying. Ennard he needed Michael,but he couldn't move. He laid there crying.

      He to began screaming. "MICHAEL.." Michael couldn't hear him. Ennard was alongside side the ocean. Michael was at home. That's what Ennard told himself,but what if he wasn't? What if he's in danger? Ennard couldn't be like this. He had to stay strong, but what if he couldn't stay strong what if he breaks down. Can they stay together forever?

     Ennard gets up. He rubs his eyes over and over. He had  to stop crying. Ennard looks at the blacken ocean. His eyes red and puffy. He didn't have a phone. How was he to get back? Though he was an Animatronic that didn't help. Or did it-?

     He starts to walk in the same direction he came from. Maybe this would help he though. He took nothing with him. He didn't need anything right? He wasn't sure.

     Ennard kept walking eventually it felt like he was running. Running from something. Thirty minutes pass.Then another thirty. Then another. How long was he walking? Two hours pass by.

      Ennard sees his house? Or is it something or someone else's? He ran too the house. He heard the sweetest thing. His Michael. His Michael was home and was singing their song! Ennard was over joyed. He ran inside the house.

      He ran to Michael as if he hasn't seen him in decades. Ennard hugs Michael. As he holds Michael for twenty minutes.He finally let's go of him. Ennard then says to Michael with his worn out voice. "I fuckin love you Michael.."

      Ennard wakes up... "T-that was a dream-?" He
looks around to find he's in his room. Michaels next to him asleep. He feels odd. Though he says nothing. He whisper to Michael. "Your mine..only mine." Michael grabs on to Ennard.

      Ennard smiles. Ennard didn't understand many many things,but he knew Michael was his ,and that he loved Michael. Even if it ment hurting others for Michael's sake. Those few feelings Ennard knows means the world to him..

For this being my first story I'm very proud though A self rate for this is a 8/10.

545 words! >:D That's awesome!! I still have a lot of ideas, but do share please!

Ennard x Michael |Ennchael|Where stories live. Discover now