Chapter 1

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"Stolas, don't act like what we have is anything but you wanting me to fuck you, okay? You make that really clear all the time. But I just- I- I can't do it tonight, okay? I'm sorry"

Those words kept repeating through the owl's head as he sat on the front steps of his mansion, alone. He had honestly just wanted (and kind of expected) a nice night with the imp. He had been so happy when Blitzo called him up. It had momentarily managed to distract him from his depression and loneliness. The pair had never been on a date, and it was exciting to him... Now he was alone again.

Did he really make Blitzo feel like that? Feel like he was nothing more than a sex dummy to the overlord? Of course you did, dumbass an all too familiar voice in his head whispered. A wave of guilt washed over him at this. He loved him and Blitzo's "sessions" of course, but he had actually grown an emotional attachment to the imp as well... He just hadn't expressed that in a healthy way.

He eventually brushed away the few tears that had come to his eyes and went back into his mansion. He removed his fancier clothes and had a butler exchange them for his robe. He made himself another bowl of cereal, thanked the butler that was cleaning the other one off the ground, and went back to watch television. "I wish you were here, Blitzy" he said to himself, looking solemnly on the empty space left on the sofa.

Stella and Octavia wouldn't be back for a few more days, so at least he had the house to himself and didn't have to be constantly fighting with his wife. On the other hand, this left him completely alone...

Blitzo wasn't doing much better

He had triggered very unpleasant emotions by going through his gallery, and was quickly reduced to a sobbing mess on his couch. It had been a while since he fully broke down like this, but the night had just gone so poorly. And to think that I was just trying to annoy M&M he thought to himself. That's all you ever do the negative voice in his head cut in. Annoy them until they inevitably grow tired of you

Loona eventually came back from Tex's party, slightly tipsy still. She entered the apartment and sighed as she saw Blitzo passed out on the couch. The faint tear marks down his face made it clear that he had cried himself to sleep. Despite her mixed feelings on him, she still cared about him, and seeing him like this hurt.

She carefully draped a blanket over him so he at least wouldn't be cold, then returned to her room. Maybe she would talk to him about it in the morning, maybe she wouldn't...

She was worried about him.

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