Chapter 2

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Blitzo woke up the next morning, a bit confused to find a blanket laid over him until he reasoned that it was probably Loona. After all, she must've returned at some point during the night, right?

He got up with a small groan, stretching and allowing his back to crack into place. The work day was off for Moxxie and Millie so they could spend a full day to celebrate their anniversary rather than just after the work day, so he didn't have to dress nice or anything, which was nice considering his skin itched. He had fallen asleep in his suit and was paying for that.

He changed into an oversized black hoodie and pajama pants, making it painfully obvious that he was depressed. Taking a note from Stolas' book, he poured himself a bowl of cereal and curled up on the couch with his blanket, turning on the TV and watching whatever nonsense happened to be on.

Roughly half an hour later, just when he was starting to get remotely invested in the shitty soap opera that was playing, he heard Loona's door open, followed by a loud, annoyed groan. "Hey, Loony" Blitzo said, but the usual energy that accompanied that statement was absent.

"Hey, Blitzo" she replied, not sounding annoyed but just tired. She went over to the mini fridge and grabbed a bottle of water, then searched through the drawers to find some painkillers. She was quite hungover and had a bad headache, but the latter soon went away from the painkillers.

Spotting the cereal box and milk left out on the counter, she poured her own bowl and put them back in their proper places before finding a seat next to Blitzo on the couch. Normally, she would leave to go to the corner store or something, not wanting to have to deal with Blitzo's overbearing nature. But, she was too tired to think of a place to go, and she also knew that Blitzo needed someone at the moment.

"What's going on with you?" she asked after a slightly uncomfortable moment of silence. "What do you mean?" Blitzo asked, and Loona had to bite back a laugh. Surely he wasn't that fucking dense and thought that it was not painfully obvious that something was wrong, right?

"You had some kind of breakdown before I came home" the wolf deadpanned. "Not to mention that you were sleeping in your suit, which you never do unless you've exhausted yourself in one way or another, and it's not time for your monthly session with Stolas"

Blitzo flinched slightly at the mention of the owl. Loona noticed this, and grew concerned. "Wait, did something happen with Stolas?"

"It doesn't matter, Loony" Blitzo deflected, eating a spoonful of his cereal and focusing his eyes on the shitty television programming. The last thing he wanted to do at that moment was break down in front of his daughter. She shouldn't have to witness your shit a voice in his head whispered. She's your daughter! Don't be such a fucking burden to her, you abusive asshole!

"Really, it's nothing" he emphasized in response to Loona's unconvinced expression. "I'm just... Having an off few days. It's not a whole thing" he gestured around with his hands. "You were fine at work yesterday" Loona countered. She wasn't gonna just let Blitzo weasel himself out of this conversation. Something was wrong, and she was gonna get to the bottom of it. She had nothing better to do anyway.

"Okay, fine" Blitzo caved. "Yeah, something happened with Stolas. I kinda snapped at him and... I don't know, it was a whole thing. And I kinda regret it but I also don't" he ran a hand up one of his horns in an attempt to soothe himself. "It's complicated" he said after a moment.

"Sounds like it" Loona replied, taking a large gulp of her water to wash away the faint taste of alcohol. "You're hungover" Blitzo noticed, eating his own cereal and gesturing to Loona's untouched bowl. She was hungry but she also felt nauseous, so she hadn't really eaten any of it.

"Party with Tex was kinda wild" she replied with a small shrug. Blitzo was happy that she was finally making friends, but it also never got easier, seeing her all hungover and tired like that. Fucking hypocrite the voice in his head whispered. You're sitting around all depressed and shit. No room to talk

"Oh, fuck off" Blitzo said aloud. "Excuse me?" Loona asked, more confused than anything. "Not directed at you, sorry" Blitzo held up a hand to dismiss the notion. "Okayyyy" Loona said, turning her attention to the television, which was now playing a cheesy commerical for the princess's new rehabilitation hotel.

"Hey" the wolf said after a moment, bothered by the lack of closure in their conversation. "Yeah?" Blitzo replied, not looking at her. "I know we aren't the closest, but..." She took a deep breath as she willed herself to continue (this emotional shit was pretty foreign to her). "If you need to, like, talk or anything, I'm not going anywhere"

"...Thanks, Loony"

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