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Stolas found himself standing outside Blitzo's apartment.

His clothing was chosen very specifically for the occasion. He didn't dress in anything as lax as his robe, but he also didn't want to show up in anything to fancy to make it seem like he was asking the man out on a date. No, that was not why he was here. That wouldn't do. So, he simply showed up in a black t-shirt and khaki shorts, similar to the outfit he had worn back when they went to Loo Loo Land... Just not wearing anything related to that day because dear lord.

Blitzo opened the door, and Stolas had to bite back a million words of worry as he saw the state the man was in. It had been a few weeks since their date, and the boss looked like he hadn't slept a wink for all of it. Deep bags were under his eyes and his suit looked like it hadn't been washed either. He also clearly hadn't changed out of it as he normally did, as he itched at his skin that had been making constant contact with the dirty material for a long time.

"What do you want, Stolas?" he asked, looking up at the owl with a depressed expression. There was no real annoyance to his voice as he asked the question- He just seemed tired. Stolas kept on a forced smile as he looked at the imp. "I wanted to check on you" he said cautiously, peaking his eyes briefly in the space behind him to see an unkept apartment. Blitzo just sighed in response before opening the door fully and going back to sit on the couch. That was all the invitation the prince needed to enter.

He had never been in the apartment before, but he'd seen enough photos from Loona to know that it was normally more clean than this. It wasn't absolutely horrendous or anything (Blitzo still kept it decent for Loona's sake), but there were a few stray articles of clothing such as socks and underwear littered on the ground, the side table next to the couch was covered with different pieces of food trash, and the dishes in the kitchen sink were beginning to pile up. Stolas couldn't help but feel slightly guilty as he saw the state of things.

Blitzo had turned on a random television program as he curled himself up on the couch with a fuzzy blanket wrapped around himself. The blanket had a few stains on it and clearly hadn't been washed in a while. Stolas passed by Loona's room and smiled- The door was covered with little "keep out" notes very similar to his own daughter's (though Octavia's consisted mostly of easily removable sticky notes for when the family's rich friends came over to the mansion).

Stolas carefully sat down next to his... Friend on the couch, though his legs were slightly uncomfortable with how low the couch was. It was very clearly a piece of furniture designed for imps and other small demons as opposed to one suited for that of demon royalty. Blitzo briefly glanced over at him before muting the television, but he said nothing and avoided the owl's gaze. If they were gonna have a conversation, he wanted it to be very clear that Stolas would be the one initiating it. Not him.

"I'm sorry, Blitzo" he said quietly after a while of uncomfortable silence. Blitzo just nodded in response, still not looking at him. "I..." Stolas trailed off, trying to pick his words very carefully. "I care about you- I really do" he insisted, but Blitzo still said nothing. "And not just for sex, though it is nice..." he chuckled to himself. "But, it is clear I did not communicate that to you" he sobered himself up real quickly. "You are way more than just a... Play thing to me, Blitzo. I really do enjoy spending time with you, regardless of what we are or are not doing"

"You shouldn't" Blitzo finally responded, his voice sounding more fragile than Stolas thought possible. The owl cocked his head inquisitively, to which Blitzo shot him a nervous glance. "You heard what Fizzarolli said, Stolas" Blitzo continued. "What Verosika said... I'm not a good partner, and a..." he swallowed to stop himself from crying. "A prince like you should aim for better anyways"


"I'm serious!" Blitzo was crying now, unable to stop it. Stolas had seen him cry before during their... Sessions, but it felt way more vulnerable in this moment. Way more emotional as opposed to just coming down from the high of intercourse or reacting to the more extreme pains that could come from that kind of intimacy. Stolas gently cupped his cheek and brushed away a tear- A gesture that Blitzo did not shove away though a few of his mental guards urged him to.

"I'm a shitty partner" he continued. "I- I snapped at you, and then I avoided you for weeks, and I had your- SHIT! I still have your book even though we didn't-"

"Calm down, darling" Stolas said soothingly. Blitzo just silently leaned up against him and cried. The taller demon wasn't entirely sure how to react to the situation but his instinct told him to hug him so he did. The two sat like that on the couch for the Devil knows how long until Blitzo had finally drained himself of tears, and then they still stayed like that for a while more. Stolas said nothing of it, nor did the imp. It was like the entire world melted away.

"You have a wife, Stolas" Blitzo finally broke the silence in a cracky, tired voice as he was drained of all the harsh emotions that had briefly filled him. Stolas frowned and leaned against him slightly. "I know..." he replied solemnly. "This isn't fair to her... Or you... Or Via... I know that" he sighed. "But, for just now, can we... Can we just watch something or maybe... Cuddle?"

"Sure, Stolas"

Alone Again [COMPLETE]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora