Night eyes chapter 3

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Present day(erins pov):

I moved through the forest, I normally know the path to my usual hunting spot but the past two years they've been reserved. I heard a terrible screech like a thousand crows screamed, as I shuffled my shotgun to the trees, concentrated on the woods. I look up to the sky seeing tons of crows, I was right I thought "should I get pa?" I whispered to myself "no...there circling could be hurt" I lowered my shotgun & speed walked to a clearing where I saw it, something so beautiful, a dark brown & black pelt layed in the white glistening snow the feirce wind shifting the fur. I moved closer to it & saw the bear trap, sinking its points into the large dogs leg, the wounds were fresh only a couple hours old & I heard the big dog whimpering, its still alive I thought. "Hey, bud? You all right?" I kept my distance.

Delta's pov:

I woke up to the caws of crows above me, as I felt pricks in my leg, I opened my eyes too see a crow, digging its beak into my leg ripping flesh & tissue off my leg, in horror I tried screaming but all that came out was a whine, a soft pewny whine, I cried for my mate "bear..." I cry "h- l- ove" I whimpered, hearing foot steps, bear? I thought, I started whining for help but when I see him...its not's a human...a hunter to be exact, I whimpered in fear as I watch him I tried to snarl but im so drained from being in pain, getting picked at by crows, & just giving birth too 3 large pups. This hunter...a man? boy! He was still young? He seemed sweet...but he still has a gun! Thoughts raced throughout my mind, when finally I let out a snarl...*rrrrr*...the boy backed away a bit.

Alone I was left...with you?:

Delta leaves a nasty snarl at Erin, Erin backs up respecting her space. "you all right?" He repeats, why does he keep asking that! Does I look like im alright!? delta thinks to herself, "I'll be back! You'll be ok?" Erin runs off to find a rabbit or deer. Erin spots a group of snow hares, he lifts his shotgun & aims..."steady...steady" & gun pushes against his shoulder as he pushes down on the trigger, he caught one! He runs up excited & digs out the bullet, getting up he runs back to delta dropping on his knees, he takes out a pocket knife & cuts a peice from the hare setting it next to Delta's nose. Delta's nose picks up on the sent, as her stomach squeezes to the pain of hunger, she scoots her nose closer her front teeth pinch the peice of meat as she shuffles it into her mouth & eats it.

(After erin feeds delta she gains more trust eventually letting him pet her, it was comforting like when her mate nuzzles her)

Delta's pov:

The boy...he's..nice? He feed me & I kinda trust him? His touch is soft...warm like bear. I licked the boys glove letting him know he has my trust.

The pain within:

Erin smiled softly, his hand travels to the bear trap looking delta in the eye he nods. gripping both sides of the trap, he pried it open making delta yelp.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2022 ⏰

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