▪︎ the first meeting ▪︎

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- ksi pov -

im missing something.
not a pet.
not a friend.
not a job.
a person. a kid. someone who i can take care of.

ive spoken to the other boys about it and they said that we should all move back in together so we can raise them together, i would be their legal guardian but we would all help out. we're set on a girl between the ages of 12 - 15 because none of us could take care of anyone under the age of 10. we arent mature enough. we were going to take a trip up to the orphanage in doncaster, it was a place that josh suggested because we couldn't find anywhere else with children of the age range we wanted.

- the next day -

me, harry and tobi were all driving in my car to doncaster, i could sense nerves around us all in the car until tobi spoke up

"i can't believe that we could have a possible kid driving home home us within the next six hours"

me and harry both agreed

"its going to be a massive step in our lives" i said

an hour later we had arrived at the orphanage, it looked like the others that we had been to, but i could sense luck i  this one. it was a brick building with ivy hanging down the walls. the three of us walked through the door and we were met with a stern looking woman,

"you must be olajide, tobi and harry?" she muttered, looking us up and down in a judgy way
we all looked at eachother and agreed that she wasn't the nicest of people

"jj, please" i said, trying to be polite
she grunted in response. this woman man.

we followed her into another room where we saw toddlers waddling around, we awed at the sight but we weren't here to adopt a toddler. we were all chatting quietly until we heard the woman screech. and boy did it nearly burst our eardrums


we heard the footsteps of around nine people, they all appeared at the bottom of the stairs they all looked around 12 - 15, one girl came straight up to us and clung onto me for what felt like an eternity

"heyy im cora. you should adopt me because im the best out of all these other people here. their all ugly as anything and their all annoying, unlike me"

she looked so fake. i know she's only 14ish but she has way too much makeup on and her voice is so high pitched and irritating

"oh for gods sake. where the fuck is bailey now?" the owner asked

"she's upstairs. crying in her bed as per usual. lonely git" cora said

"who's bailey?" i asked

"the difficult one. she's always up to something and she's a fucking brat. she's useless and worth nothing. you Don want her" the woman replied

"i want to meet her" i looked at the boys and they both nodded in agreement

"whatever. up the stairs, down the corridor, take a left and she's right at the end" the woman mumbled.
we followed her directions and knocked on the door infront of us

"cora i said leave me alone. what do you want now" i voice said from the other side said

"oh um. im not cora" i said "can i come in?"


we walked in to see a girl, no older then 14, sat on a high window ledge, looking out the window. she didn't move or acknowledge our presence and stared into space, her eyes looked red and puffy from crying and she looked tired and very underweight. i decided to break the silence

"what's your name then?"

no reply

"are you okay?"

no reply

"you know it's dangerous there. you could fall and hurt yourself" i said

"why would you care."

"because i don't want you to get hurt"

"why are you up here? no one wants to speak to me" she whispered

"we want to speak to you"

"oh." she started biting her nails

"so your bailey, right? im jj"

"yeah. i guess agnes and cora told you. the stuff they say is true by the way. im useless and difficult"

"oh shush. im sure your not. how old are you?"


i looked at the boys and i think we made our choice

"would it be okay if we, maybe, took you back to ours? and adopt you?" i asked, not wanting to scare her off

- baileys pov -

"would it be okay if we, maybe, took you back to ours? and adopt you?" the man asked

i went wide-eyed. the last time someone asked that i was back here within 8 months. why would he want me. he heard agnes and cora. im useless.

"why me?" i asked

"i think you'd be a perfect fit for our family."

family. that word rang around my head like a bell. family. ive never had a proper family. without thinking i nodded my head. next thing i knew i was packing my bags and i followed jj and the two other people downstairs. wait. two other people? since when were they here?
we got to the main room and i was met with cora. her arms folded and she had a smug look on her face

"where do you think your going?" she said

"leaving." i muttered

a sharp pain collided against my cheek. that was going to leave a mark.


she slapped me on my other cheek


"shove off cora. i can't be arsed to talk to you"

right then agnes walked in. great.


i rolled my eyes


my head was pulled back and agnes had my hair pulled back in her grip

"owww" i groaned

"Get off of her. Now" a voice said

agnes let go and i saw JJ walking up to agnes. fists clenched. instead of going towards agnes, his direction turned to me and when we saw the tears in my eyes, his expression softened and he took my hand and led me to the two other boys

"im going to sign the papers. go to the car with tobi and harry"

tobi and harry. so that's their names. harry took my bags and they both lead me to a matte black car. the last words i hear from the orphanage was

"see you in 8 months. you useless piece of shit"

right. i darted back to the orphanage but an arm went round my waist stopping me from going any further.

"leave it. she's not worth it" tobi said

i sighed and a few minutes later JJ returned and started driving

"thank god we're out of there" he said

i stayed quiet. i felt myself falling into a deep sleep.

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