Diagon Alley

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Teds POV
I wake up and roll over I groan when I stretch my arms out. I walk down stairs and see Harry at the table he was staying with us until we leave for Hogwarts. I look at him " good morning Harry" I say as I sit down for breakfast. We start eating and dad comes in "Ted get dressed we are getting your supplies to day." I smile and run and get dressed i the throw on a black t shirt with my moleskin coat and some pants.

" I smile and run and get dressed i the throw on a black t shirt with my moleskin coat and some pants

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

After I get dressed I run down stairs and  see dad and Harry ready

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

After I get dressed I run down stairs and see dad and Harry ready. We walk over to the fire place and dad pulls out flue powder "ok Harry all you got to do it grab a hand full and say we're you wanna go very clearly" dad says I grab my hand full and shot "Diagon Alley" and I walk out of the fire place. Soon after Harry and dad walked out we head to greengrots. We walk up to the desk and dad pulls out two Keyes "we are here to make a with drawl from mr Potters and mr Hagrids vaults" the goblin looks down "and does mr Potter and mr Hagrid have there keys" he asked and my dad hands him the Keyes we walk to a cart and pile in the goblin then turns around and says "hold on pls" as he says that we go zooming down the tracks I hold up my arms an laugh while Harry screams and holds onto my waist next to me all of a sudden the cart stops and I look down to Harry "you can let go now" i says as he is green and pale in the face he lets go and we got out the cart. The goblin looks at us "welcome to vault 687 key pls" dad hands him the key and he unlocked it "well Harry don't just stand there get a pouch full of galleons" dad says after Harry gets his stuff we go to my vault vault number 218 and while Harry's vault was full of coins mine is a little low I have about two piles of coins. I grab my pouch and fill it with coins. We then go to the final vault number 713 the goblin runs his nail along the door and it unlocks dad walks in there and grabs a package.

     We walk out of greengrots and dad turns to me "Ted I'm going to show Harry around can you handle things on your own" I nod and start walking to Flourish and Blotts I walk in and a little bell rings.
I grab a few book including A history of magic, magical theory and Hogwarts a history. I pay for the book and I bump into a girl and she drops her books so I bend down and help her pick them up I look up and I see a beautiful girl with big bushy brown hair and hazel brown eyes with a little to big front teeth and a small line of freckles across her nose I , CC hand her the books "s-sorry about that" I stuttered with my cheeks red I stick out my hand "Ted Hagrid" I say she shakes my hand "Hermione Granger and don't worry about it" she says "so are you a first year" I ask as I stand up "yes and what about you" she asked "I'm a first year to" I say as we walk out the door she looks at me like she don't believe me so I explain "my dad is a half giant and my mom was a giant" I say she nods understanding and sees her parents waving to her "well Ted I have to go but nice meeting you" she says and runs off. I smile and I walk to the Magical menagerie and buy some Demiguise food. I go to Mr Ollivanders wands next and go inside I don't see anyone so I called out "hello is anyone here?" I ask and a old man with crazy white hair steps out "Ahh Mr Hagrid I have been expecting you why I remember when I sold you father his wand just like yesterday" he says as he walks to the back he comes back with a box and opens it "16inch oak wood with a unicorn hair core the same wand as your father" (I'm just making the core up it never says what his core was so I think he would be a unicorn hair guy) he says I pick it up and some drawers fly open he snatches it form me " no no definitely not" he says as he grabs another wand "13inch Ash wood and dragon heartstring" he says I grab the wand and a shelf gets nocked over he snatches it back and give me another one "10inch oak wood unicorn hair" I grab it and a lamp shatters he takes it back. We try multiple different wands for and hour when he stops and looks back "I wonder" he says as he brings out a box covered in dust and opens the lid and gently lifts the wand out "19inch cherry wood triple core dragon heartstring, werewolf, and white river monster spine" he hands me it and I feel a warmth spread around me "curious" he says I look at him "what's curious" I ask "well my dear boy this is a very powerful wand and a very loyal one it will only choose a brave and loyal and strong wizard but also it is the last of its kind it is the last wand to ever be made with white river monster spine it is bolder than me." He says I look at him "thank you" I say as I pay for the wand and he gives me a wand holder as I leave he says something that I can't hear "you may be the strongest wizard alive pls do good and great things." I walk out into the street and I meet up with dad and Harry. We all go to the train station and get ready to leave dad stops me "Ted you are going to do great in Hogwarts I just know it now be safe on the train"he says as we hug and I get on the train.

Hagrids sonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें