The Train

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Tommy's eyes shot open as the pain finally left his body. But he wasn't in the prison. He wasn't in a room that was a cube made out of obsidian and covered by lava in the entrance. And most especially, he wasn't with Dream. He let out a shaky breath. Did Sam finally know what the problem was and let him out? That thought was immediately crossed out as he saw Wilbur, not Ghostbur, Wilbur

"W-Wil?" He says shakily. Uncertain. Was he hallucinating? Only one way to find out. He stood up from the grass, that he did not know he was laying on, and ran towards his dead brother and hugged him. What? Tommy's eyes widened and took a step back. He stared at his hands. He wasn't supposed to be able to touch Wilbur! He shouldn't be able to touch a fucking ghost! He looked up and saw that Wilbur was... still insane. "Tommy! How did you get here? Welcome to the station, as I like to call it." Wilbur smiled. It was unsettling. 

"Wh-where even am I?!" Tommy yelled and Wilbur's smile faltered by the shout before he smiled once again. That shit eating grin. "You are dead, Tommy, to put it simply." No. No. He did not put it simply! It was anything but simple! "The-the fuck do you mean!? Stop fucking with me bitch!" Wilbur frowned. "Now is that anyway to speak to your dead brother who you haven't seen in quite some time?" Tommy glared at him. This fucker wasn't his brother! "As far as I know, I don't have any!" Tommy yelled. 

Wilbur glared more heatedly at Tommy before scoffing and sitting down on one of the benches there. Tommy looked around. It seemed like there was four patches of grass, this train station and the rest of this void was just clouds. He decided to just walk away. Anywhere was better than staying with his insane excuse of  a brother. 

It seemed like years before he saw something. It was another being. They had a giant hat with a veil and pearls on the veil. Their dress was shoe length and shoulder less. Everything they wore were black. He sucked a breath as their eyes stared right into his. "Tommy?" A woman's voice. "Is that you?" She was... crying? Tommy didn't know why a random person (God? or just a dead person?) would cry that he was dead. "Do I... do I know you?"  It seemed rude, yes even for him, but he wanted answers. "O-oh... right. You-you wouldn't know me..." She was sad. Tommy, for some reason, didn't like that. "Wh-what's your name?" Tommy asked. It was fair. She knew his but he didn't know hers. "Kristen. I'm the Goddess of Death." Tommy's eyes widened. "Y-you're my... my mother?!" Tommy yelled. He knew his father was married to the Goddess of Death. The man always told them of how beautiful she was and how caring she is. 

"Yes." She nodded sadly and wiped her tears away. Tommy took a hesitant step forward and hugged his mother. Kristen hugged his son back and cried. Tommy yawned, he couldn't help it! The ground was very comfortable! Soon, he fell asleep. Kristen sighed as she touched his son's hair and bit her inner cheek. Tommy would be mad if she did this. But she doesn't want any more of her children to die. 

Tommy woke up and Kristen was gone. Leaving him a black chrysanthemum. He smiled and took the flower and put it on his hair. He walked back to the station where he found a train, with the words TommyInnit flashing on the sign. He heard a sigh and looked at Wilbur who was still sitting on the bench. "Guess it's for you." Tommy looked at him in confusion. Wilbur smiled creepily at him. "You'll find out. Just step in there." Tommy gulped and did as told and the doors all closed before it took him away. He could see a bright light on the end of the station, was he going to meet his mother again? He grew excited and braced himself for the impact he never felt.

His eyes shot open. "Welcome back." 


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