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No. 1-Please respect my timezone, that being Eastern Time.

No. 2-I won't be doing roleplays here past 12:00

No. 3-On most Weekdays I do have school, so please be mindful of that.

No. 4-Same as always, 3 hours to 3 days before tagging me.

No. 5-Limit Swearing, I'm okay with words like "Hell," or "Damn," but any outright cusswords please keep to a minimum.

No. 6-Please, no smut.

No. 7-Do keep in mind I have a life outside of here, as much as I am online. I do ask you to give me time to respond or take as much time as you need to formulate a detailed one.

No. 8-Speaking of which, I'd prefer detailed 3rd person RP. Examples.

Y/N: "That's great, Spyro." *They said kindly, smiling towards the purple dragon. They then turned their head* "Now come on, we have people to save."

"That's great, Spyro." They said kindly, smiling towards the purple dragon. Then they turned their head, "Now come on, we have people to save."

No. 9-Know that you don't HAVE to play an OC. I'm perfectly fine with you playing your favorite Skylanders.

No. 10-As always, playing a character besides your OC and favorite Skylanders helps out a bunch. And no rushing the story, please.



No. 1-Please no Mary-Sue, Gary-Stu, or Joke Forms. If you need help making an OC I can help you.

No. 2-Use the concepts available in this part of the series. I'm all for special gimmicks, but remember, some concepts and elements don't exist quite yet.

No. 3-Your OC can be any species, just makes sure I am aware if you're making your OC a Skylander somehow.

No. 4-I have no problem with crossover OCs in a sense (where they use weapons from a different universe, where they are from a different universe), they made Donkey Kong and BOWSER of all people Skylanders, so go wild.

No. 5 -That's really all I got, have fun!


EDIT: Yo! Look here!

To tell me you read all the rules, please answer one of these three questions.

What Skylander Did You Main This Game?

What's Your Favorite Element?

Fondest Skylander Memory?

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