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Yanfei Pov:

'Did she really call me Yanyan?' I mean it's not like I minded the name or anything I've just never had a nickname. Hearing it over and over replaying in my head, it felt like my heart was being given a warm hug.

I looked out of my bedroom window and smelled the fresh morning air. It always managed to smell like spring even in the coldest of mornings. My nose felt cold from my face being outside but I couldn't notice. My mind was too busy thinking about today.

I put my head back inside the window and went to my closet. It wasn't filled with many clothes considering I only ever reused all of my clothes. I don't really see the importance of buying a lot of clothes that I only would use once. I grabbed my pink shorts decorated with white flowers embroidered on the material and then grabbed my simple white shirt with a single bee on it.

I headed down the stairs to cook breakfast for my grandmother. I decided to cook Jade Parcels. It was harder than expected but I managed to make it before she woke up.

"Hello my dear, you're up early." - said my grandmother in her comforting voice

"I thought it would be nice to make you breakfast this morning, and I wanted to be at school early!"

I continued to put her food on her plate.

"Ah so is there someone that you're expecting to see there, hm?" - she said this questioningly with a hint of knowing in her voice

I was drinking my cup of water and slightly panicked. I started choking from being questioned like that. 'Does she know? How does she know? Is it obvious?' my mind raced.

"W- what makes you think that?"

I gasped for air slightly still choking.

"Oh nothing, just a thought is all I'm glad you're making friends." - she said this as she started eating the food I had made

"Well I uh- better be going, I love you grams!"

And just like that, I ran out trying to avoid any further questions. It was very cold today I knew I should've brought a jacket, but there's no way I'm continuing that conversation. I looked at the ground and watched as my feet stepped further in front of me. I tried to enjoy the walk and decided to try and avoid any cracks, carefully jumping over them if I got too close.

I heard the chirping of the birds and the sounds of people getting ready to head to their jobs. I was about 16 or 15 blocks away from the school, which allowed me to walk alone and not my grandmother worry.

I looked up and forgot to step slightly higher over the sidewalk being broken. My foot caught the little edge and I fell forward. I instantly closed my eyes and braced myself for the impact. Instead of hitting the ground, I felt arms at the side of my torso.

As I opened my eyes I saw Hu Tao.

"Heya Yanyan, you're kinda clumsy you know! You're lucky I'm always here to help you up!" - Hu Tao said this in her usual cheery voice

Feeling the heat rise to my face when realizing it was her holding me again made me slightly flustered.

"I-I thank you, Hu Tao-"

My voice was shaky from the adrenaline the was pumping through my veins from nearly falling. 'Did she seriously just catch me?'

"Don't mention it, no way I was gonna let you fall like that on your face!" - Hu Tao said this with Immediately pulling me into a hug

Her hair smelt like silk flowers. I never had enjoyed a hug so much, it was so comforting I thought I could stay like this forever.

"You're really comfortable to hug Yanyan I-" - Hu Tao said being cut off, almost as if she stuttered

Hu Tao, Meet High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now