Chapter 5

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Bee , ever beautiful thigs are depend on bee because bee helps to pollination . I seperate these informations into several groups.

 I seperate these informations into several groups

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My home also have a beehive . A long time I studied about bees . I collected lot of informations about bees , they are like following .

Pollination :

Honeybees have been major pollinators of flowers for millions of years . The bees help flowers to reproduce by transfering pollen from one flower to another . Without this , many flowers wouldn't be able to procreate and eventually would die out . Humans benefit from pollination too , as it helps us to keep our gardens looking nice and also helps us to grow vegetables. Honey bees also extract nectar along with the pollen from the flowers , which is then turned into honey .

Communication :

Honeybees are well known for the way in which they communicate with each other. Communication is based on chemical signals, particularly scent and taste, and each hive has a unique chemical signal that those in the hive use to identify each other . The bees are always communicating with each other , most of which is done through the worker bees. The workers feed and groom each other , as well as larvae , drones , and the queen . In this process they pass on pheromones, chemical signals that indicate information about the health of the queen and the state of the colony .

Because of bees flowers are get pollination , we get foods and fruits from plants and we get beautiful flowers .

There are some people that make artificial beehives and collect honey .

There are some people that make artificial beehives and collect honey

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As we mentioned above, honeybees can be found all over the world. They are usually found in areas that have an abundant supply of flowering plants, but can also survive in grasslands, deserts, and wetlands if there is sufficient water, food, and shelter. Honey bees need a cavity to nest in, such as a hollow tree. This is where they build their hive, which is where they live. When a hive becomes too overcrowded, the queen will take off with around half of the colony and build a new honeybee hive . This is why you see bee swarms and they help with reproduction of bee colonies .

Bees are insects with wings closely related to wasps and ants, known for their role in pollination and, in the case of the best-known bee species, the western honey bee , for producing honey

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Bees are insects with wings closely related to wasps and ants, known for their role in pollination and, in the case of the best-known bee species, the western honey bee , for producing honey . Bees are a monophyletic lineage within the superfamily Apoidea . They are presently considered a clade , called Anthophila .

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