My life changing part 3

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I woke up and rolled over to find my bed empty. Panic crossed my mind. Had he left me? Did he really like me? I jumped out the bed to find a note on my table. 'hi Charlie I had an amazing time last night , you are an amazing girl and beautiful girl and I would love for us to meet again. So sorry I left without saying bye but I had rehearsals and you looked so peaceful sleeping. I like you charlie. Love Nathan x' and benth the letter was a phone with a text from Nathan saying 'Ring me when you get this'. I dialed in his number and it rang but no anwser. I was gutted. I strolled into the kitchen. All the boys had left and sat at my table was Sophie and Lindsay. "Morning girls did the boys ditch on you too?" I asked them. They nodded there heads and looked glumly at the table. "fry up anyone?" I asked. Their faces shot up from the table and grinned. "Thought so" I said laughing my head off. I made their fry ups then went for a long shower I still couldnt believe last night actually happened. I was in the shower ages thinking about how magical it was. I just wished I could go back to that night. I got out the shower and rapped my towel around my and headed to my room. When I got into my room there was a ringing sound. Then I remebered the phone Nathan gave me. I rushed towards the desk and anwsered the phone. "Hello?" I spoke into the phone. "Hello Charlie its Nathan sorry I didn't pick up I was recording would you like to come down to the studio with your friends?" he responded. "one second" I replied. I started jumping up and down in my room I was so happy. "Of course" I replied trying to act all cool when in fact I was screaming inside. "Okay then, oh and one thing I like you charlie see you later". "I like you too Nathan James Sykes see you later" I replied. He hung up and I raced down the stairs. "Girls get your best cloths on we are off to the studio with the boys" I said chearfully to them. They both instantly jumped from their seats and Sophie came over and gave me a massive hug. Sophie was beautiful. She had long brown hair and big brown eyes. I felt kinda guilty because she had a massive crush on Nathan. "Sorry about this" I said to her. "Sorry about what?" "Well you have always fancied Nathan and well..." She put her hand over my mouth. "Shut up you turd Nathan and you are perfect together I'm just greatful I get to meet my Twitter bestie and my idols so come on lets get ready" she said smiling. I ran off to my room putting on my shorts , t-shirt and makeup. I grabbed my phone and rang for a car and police escort. I pulled out my phone and checked twitter. I about cried at the things people where saying to me. 'Hands off my man you slut' 'Go kill yourself Nathan is mine'. I dropped to floor and cried. I was so scared that one of them may want to actually kill me. Lindsay and Sophie came over and sat beside me and put their arms round me. "Whats wrong?" asked Lindsay. I showed them my phone. "Hey dont listen to them they're just jealous" said Sophie. "How did this even get out?" I questioned. Lindsay showed me a picture of Nathan and me walking out of my partey arm in arm. I nodded slowly. "Common dry those tears lets go see the boys they're waiting for us. I lifted my head and smiled. We all linked arms and got in the car. Outside my house were a group of girls holding a banner saying 'Welcome to the Twfanmily Charlie'. I made the driver stop and I got out the car and gave them all a hug and promised to try and get The Wanted to follow them on twitter. I hopped back in the car and I was in a happy posative mood. I went back on twitter and reported and blocked all the people who was hating on me. Afterwards I felt so much happier. I followed the girls who I met earlier saying thanks. Then I gazed out the window smiling.

When we arrived I jumped out the car to find Nathan waiting for me. I couldn't control myself I ran up to him crying and snuggled into his chest . He put his arms round me and rocked me side to side. "Hey whats up?" he asked lifting my head from his chest. "I'm just so glad to see you" I said still crying my eyes out. "Its only been a few hours" he said chuckling and then i started laughing too. I looked around and see Lindsay play fighting with Jay and Sophie trying to get her phone back from Tom. Nathan then grapped my arm and stook me into the studio. Max was watching the football while Siva was recording. Nathan lay on the sofa pulling me next to him. He started playing with my hair. i just sat their smiling to myself. "Nath you may think its too soon to say this but I love you..." I said to him softly. He kissed my lips softly and said "I love you too Charlie and no its not too soon I was just about to say the same thing. Look I know you probably think I am going to quick but would you like to go on another date tonight?" Nathan asked. I wanted to scream and jump up and down but I knew that would scare him. "Yes of course I would" I said with a big grin on my face. He hugged me tighter and smiled to himself. My phone started buzzing. It was my manager. "Hello chris" "Hiya we need to in the studio. Be in studio 6 at 1 pm" "Okay Im next door anyway". I put the phone down and looked at the clock it was 12:45pm. I looked at Nathan and sighed. "Whats up?" he questioned. "I got to go in a second to the studio next door to record my new song" I said looking at him glumly. "Cheer up we got are date later" he said smiling to me. I instantly smiles back and burried my head into his chest.

I gave Nathan one last hug the hurried down to studio 6. "Hey chris" I said as I walked into the room. "Hey Charlie here's the lyrics. Go stand over their and sing your heart out." he said. I went and stood by the mic, put my headphones and gave my manager the thumbs up and the dj started the music. I sang my heart out, trying to perfect my new single. In the end I sang one part about 20 times. Though out singing my song all I could think about was Nathan. He just felt right. Whenever I was near him I would just get special feeling. "Why are you so dreamy today?" asked Chris. I looked at him and smiled. "She's thinking about Nathan" My PA Sara announced. I didn't even know she was in the room. "Oii that was my secret and anyway where did you come from?" I asked. "I sneaked in whilest you where singing, I got back from Sweden yesterday" she replied. I went over to her and gave her a big hug. "I would just like to warn you to keep off twitter theres some nasty comments going on, on their" she said slowerly. "I know" I said with tears in my eyes. "Hey hey their no need to cry don't let those comments hurt you. Everything will be okay I promise. Don't let no pathetic little jealous girls get in the way of your relationship with Nath" she said soothingly. "Hey what's up?" asked Nathan as he burst through the studio door. He came over and wrapped his arms round me. "She seen the Twitter posts" Sara replied to him. "Oh, just ignore them beautiful it doesn't matter what they say I love you and thats all that matters" He said to me softly. I looked up from his chest and smiled. I was the luckiest girl on the world I had Nathan Sykes cuddling me. After I was finished crying I got back to producing my new single. Nathan stayed and watched gazing at me as I sung my new track. After about 3 more hours the song was complete and it sounded amazing. Nathan helped me out now and again with parts of the song. It was amazing to spend time with him in the studio. "Hey you two should do a duet together sometime" suggested Mark. "Hmmm I will ask scooter about it later when I next see him but it sounds like a good idea to me" Nathan replied. My phone went off. It was a text from Sophie: Hey where are you? Went off to get some lunch meet us in KFC at 6:30pm if you want to xxx Me: Hiyaaa sorry my mangerager called me, Im in the studio producing my new song with Nath, we will be their see you in a bit xxx Sophie: Its alright see you later xxx. "Nath you coming for KFC? All the other lads and my friends are waiting for us" I asked him. She face shot up and smiled. "I take that as a yes then" I chuckled.

We stepped in to KFC everyone was hid in the corner where no fans would find them. Me and Nathan strolled over to them and sat down. "Alright Nath. Where you been? We completed our new single by the way" Max said to Nathan. "Oh I heard that Charlie was crying so I went over to see if she was okay" he responded. "What happened?" asked Jay. "She has been on Twitter and seen the comments" Nathan responded glumly. All the lads looked at me sympathetically and Sophie put her arm around me. "Don't worry Charlie the comments will die down soon" Tom said to me half smiling. I didn't believe him because I knew how much the twfanmily love Nathan. They probably wanted to kill me. Two of ladies working their came over with two massive trays full of chicken, chips, dips and salad. "Woah how much?!" I said. "Hey we are growing guys, need to keep my six pack dont I?" Tom said lifting his top up and patting his stomach. Sophie smacked him round the head lightly and me and Lindsay burst into laughter. "If you keep eating that much it wont be muscle their anymore" I chuckled."Don't worry he won't becsuse he a good boy" max said grabbing his ear and Tom started nodding and smiling like a little kid "yah yah" he said an kid like voice. The whole table was full of laughter. "I just realised I got to go home tomorrow" Sophie said glumly. "Awwww, I'm gonna try come and see you next weekend" I said to her. She smiled at me and gave me a big hug. "I still can't believe I'm friends with someone famous" She said to me. "Hey you're are friends with six people who are famous" said Jay. The boys all smiled at her and nodded and her face lit up with happiness. We all scoffed all the food down and after eating I felt fat but ot tasted amazing.

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