Part 6

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I woke up to see Nathan in his boxers and cap. "Hello beautiful, rise and shine" he said looking at me smiling. "Morning, I'm just going to talk to Lindsay" I said smiling back at him. I strolled down to the living room to find Lindsay on my sofa. "Hiya Linds" I said. "Hello sleepy head" she replied. "How's things between you and Jay?" I asked her. "Amazing really, I think I love him, what about you and Nathan?" she replied smiling. "That's the same with me" I said. "How come you're not coming out for a drink tonight? " she asked. "To be honest I feel really ill still, but I don't want Nath to miss out" I replied. "I will stay with I can't have you staying here suffering" she said. "No, you go out and enjoy yourself" I demanded.

"Right come on let go" said Jay. Nathan came over a gave me a kiss and said goodbye. Then they all left. I went over to my computer and Skyped Sophie. We where on for hours talking about everything and how excited we where for next week. After a while she had to go. I then walked upstairs to me brothers room. Suddenly I started to feel breathless and dizzy. "Hey you alright?" Tommie asked. He came over and held me up. "I can't breath" I panted. Fear spread across Tommies face. "I'm alright now" I said to him. Relief spread across both my face and his. "Right up to bed you still look pale" he said. "Okay I'm tired anyway" I replied. "you only just went sleep, maybe you should go see the doctor" he said looking worried. I nodded.

The boys and Lindsay all came in a bit tipsy. "How is Charlie?" Nathan asked my brother. "She is very sleepy and she was breathless earlier and looks very pale" he said to Nathan. Nathan ran upstairs into my room and looked at me concerned. He took his cloths off and jumped in to bed next to me and cuddled me. "Helloo Natty" I said to him. "How was your night out?" I asked. "Boring because you wasn't there" he said glumly. I then drifted off back to sleep.

Beep beep! I jumped up out of bed. "Shit I got college" I whispered trying not wake Nathan. I put on a pair of bright blue jeans, a peach lace top, pair of black and white converse and my red beanie hat Nathan gave me. "Morning beautiful" Nathan said as he rose from the bed. "How you feelin?" he asked. "Alright thanks, I don't have a head ache or anything I just look pale" I replied. He smiled and walked off into the kitchen. I straightened my long brown hair and did my make up and got all my college stuff together. I strolled into my kitchen to find Nathan preparing a fry up. "Aww thankyou Natty, I'm gonna end up fat with always these fry ups" I said. He laughed and Kissed me. I sat at the table and tucked into my fry up. "When is your first class?" he asked. "About 9, but I'm going to drop off some books at the library first" I said. "I should get going" I said. I took out my phone and called for a car. "I'm coming with you," he said pulling on some jeans and a t-shirt. My car pulled up outside the house. Me and Nathan jumped in the car. "Can I come in the college with you?" he asked. "I don't know, I will ask in reception" I replied. I leaned my head on Nathans chest enjoying every moment with him. We pulled up outside my college. "Wait here" I ordered him. I ran into main reception. "Hello is there any chance my friend could come into the college with me? he won't be no trouble" I asked the woman at the desk. "No, I'm sorry there's no possibility of that being allowed" she replied. I looked down at the floor glumly and went and told Nathan the bad news. He hugged and kissed me goodbye and i went into the liberay and dropped off my books. Then I walked off to my first class biology .

"CHARLOTTE, " yelled Ellie as she came over and hugged me. "Don't call me Charlotte" I replied hugging her back. Megan and James came running over. "So you're now dating Nathan Sykes?" Megan said excitedly. I nodded happily. "What?" asked Hope as she walked over to us. "She's dating Nathan Sykes" said Ellie excitedly. Hope looked at me shocked. She hugged me excitedly. "So what have you been doing this weekend" I asked them. "I have been in hospital" Megan said glumly. "why what's wrong?" I asked. "Just fainting again" she replied. I looked at her sympathetically and gave her a hug. "I have been sleeping and eating" said Hope laughing. Everyone makes jokes about me and Hope because we both eat loads but never put on weight. Jade burst in the room. "CHARLIE I GOT CAKE" she said and we bursted out laughing. Every conversation I have with Jade always includes cake. "OMG WHAT CAKE?" I asked her laughing. "A good old Carrot cake" he said happily. "So how's your weekend been?" asked James. "Bloody amazing, won the ice comp, had my own massive party, went on an amazing date with Nathan, had more parties with the boys and loads more" I said happily. "Im so jealous" said Ellie."Me too and On the magazine cover you look beautiful" Megan said showing me a 'NOW' magazine. I smiled happily. "Everyone take a seat with a lab partner" said my lab teacher. I sat next to Ellie and pulled out my note book and pen.

Two hours later after an hour of dysecting a frog and a long hour of maths it was my Lunch break. I pulled out my phone and rang Nathan asking him to meet me outside the college. "Wanna come meet Nathan?" I said to Jade, Ellie, Hope, James, Megan and Jade. They all nodded and followed me except James because he was off to football practice. We walked out the college to find Nathan, The rest of the boys and Lindsay all waiting for us. "Hello what a surprise" I said happily. "Where we going then?" asked Jade. "Lets go to the pub down the road and get lunch" I said. I ran over to Nathan and gave him a massive hug and kiss. "I missed you" he said to me kissing me back. "I love you Nathan Sykes" I said to him. Joy filled his face. "I love you too Charlotte Lee" He said kissing me back. We all strolled down to the pub. "Im so tired" I said to Nathan. Hope started flirting round Max. "Stop being such a sleeze Hope" I said laughing. My phone started ringing, it was Sophie. "Hiyaa sophs" I said. "Hello charl, I'm missing you so much, only a few more days till we are on tour with The Wanted" she said screaming. "I know, I'm with them now , wanna speak to them?" I said. "YES!" she screamed. I passed the phone to Max and continued walking to the pub. They were on the phone for ages. He went into his own world. We reached the pub and tuck into our meal, then we went back to college.

After a long hard day it was finally time to go home. Nathan met me outside the college and we drove home. I feel asleep in Nathan's arms. He shuck me once we arrived back at the house. "Charl you're sweating loads and you feel so hot and you look so pale, I think you're still ill" he said to me. He was right I was sweating loads and I was exhausted. He picked me up and took me upstairs to bed. "Is she alright?" asked Jay. "She's ill again, I don't know what's wrong, if she is still ill tomorrow I'm taking her to the doctor's" Nathan said.

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