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"This is all your fault!" 

Cheon Seo-jin's voice rang in everyone's ears. They were all in the lobby of Hera Palace in front of the bloody statue where Min Seol-a's body laid. Seojin's glare was directed at Ko Ye-rim, whose eyes remainded on the statue. "If you hadn't had hired, she wouldn't be here!" she screeched. Min-hyuk's and Eun-byul's parents agreed while Joo Dan-tae and Ha Yoon-chul looked annoyed.

"Does she know how much that statue costs? Why did she have to die there out of all places?" huffed out Joo Dn-tae in annoyance.

Ko Ye-rim couldn't help but wonder why she did die there. How did she even get here? Not that she minded the girl being dead, that bitch had caused enough headaches for her to begin with. But Ye-rim wasn't worried about herself or the others as she stared at the body, she was worried for her daughter. If Ye-rim were to go down, so would she.

Only then, worry entered her mind.

"She's trouble until the end! Today was a very important day!" whined Kang Ma-ri. Ko Ye-rim started pacing in a small distance trying to think of something, anything, to get herself out of this mess. But nothing was coming to mind, the water and the other residents arguing was all her brain could hear.

With each step she took, their voices were getting louder, the water crashing even harder and even her ears started to ring until she had enough.


All voices came to a halt in an instant. Their faces turning to see a raging Ko Ye-rim who was breathing heavily. Cheon Seo-jin scoffed in disbelief but still remained silent.

Joo Dan-tae knew she was racked with nerves, with her hands fisted so hard on her ball gown on her sides, and her lips slightly quivering. No one else saw the nerves, but he did. She took a deep breath before she started talking.

"Arguing like idiots won't make the problem go away." They all rolled their eyes and looked down out of frustration, but Ko Ye-rim continued, "We need to get rid of the body and clean this place up, unless you all want to be suspects?" she asked sarcastically. "So let's get to work and remember one thing...

...no one tells a soul about today"

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