Piper and Fishers fight

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Fishers POV

I woke up and saw the others at the table and decided to go to the pipes and sit there for a while.
"So have you lost weight yet ya dingus?" I heard a voice said.
It was Piper.
"Oh shut up Piper."
"Be nice you two!" Said Striker.
"Whatever." Piper said sarcastically as she held her wrench fidgeting with it.
"Fuck off Piper" I said rudely.
"OI I SAID BE NICE!!!" Said Striker in an angry tone.
I gave Striker the death glare as he left to go finish his "work". I was pissed off. Piper always picks on me! It's not fair! I remembered there wad an old library down on the last floor. (Don't hate nor judge me I haven't played the games yet) I went down there and decided to go explore. There i found one of Alices blobs hurt. She was looking for him.
"I'll get you back to Alice, ok Greg?" I said calmly.
He cooed and got into my arms as I brought him to Alice.

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