Chapter 19

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I blinked my heavy eyelids open. Sun rays from the window seeped through the barely parted curtains. I clutched the silk sheets to my chest, not wanting to move. I was surrounded by Azra, his smell lingered in the room, this is his bed, these are his belongings, those wardrobes contain his clothes. I wanted to escape this place, to escape him but even if I left, I knew I never would. I tried to ignore the small part of me, most likely the part of me bonded to him that found comfort in being here in his room. I woke multiple times through the night in floods of tears but I forced myself to fall back asleep to escape my reality.

"Oh good, you're awake." I jolted upright at the sound of a familiar female voice. When my eyes adjusted to my surroundings I recognised Carmen, Spikes twin sister as she placed a tray of food down on the end of the bed before plonking herself next to it. She crossed one long leg over the other, the fabric of her floor-length gown pooling over the bed, parted at the side revealing her bare thigh. I couldn't help but think how different the fashion is here in the dark realm compared to the light fae. Maybe my uptight father and stepmother are the reason for the light fae's more conservative sense of style. I envied the way Carmen could wear whatever she liked and oozed confidence while doing so. She was devastatingly beautiful while I was sat here most likely looking as bad as I feel.

"Azra told me to bring you this." She gestured towards a tray and my mouth watered when I inhaled the delicious smell of food. I can't remember the last time I ate a decent meal.

"You should eat something. I'll have the maids run you a bath. You look like shit" she flicked her hair over a shoulder, stood up and left the room for a brief moment before returning with four maids. One of them whipped open the curtains and another began running me a bath while the others began cleaning Azra's already spotless room. My eyes darted to the door which was still open but Carmen caught on and moved to close it.

"Wine?" She glided to the vanity, opened a bottle and began pouring two glasses.

"What time is it?" I asked feeling it may be too early for someone to be offering me wine.

"A few hours past sunrise" She turned to me holding out a glass and I raised an eyebrow.

"What? Its never too early for wine" she winked. I took the glass from her and took small sips of its contents. Azra probably sent her in here because he thinks her likeable personality will calm me down.

"So where is he?" My voice was hoarse probably from all of the screaming and crying.

Carmen waved a hand

"no idea. Probably somewhere doing what princes do I guess. He said he would be back soon." She took a long sip of her wine and averted her gaze to the maids like she didn't want them to overhear what she was going to say next.

"That will be all." The maids dropped what they were doing and left the room immediately. I moved the duvet to the side and let my legs dangle over the side of the bed.

"Azra won't let anything happen to you. I mean, you are his heart-bond after all" her mouth twitched into a slight smirk and I got the impression she thinks I should be grateful that out of everyone in the universe I'm the lucky one that gets to be his heart bond. The way she emphasised the word his awakened the anger within me. She said it as though I am his, something to be possessed, belonging only by him. I rolled my eyes taking a long sip of alcohol before setting my sights on the food tray. Carmen noted my hostility because she came to Azra's defence.

"He's not as bad as you think you know," she said.

"You're right he's worse" I retorted without looking up from the croissant I began picking apart and scoffing.

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