Part 2

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It the next after Sailor Jupiter was kidnapped
Tsuki POV

"Welcome home!" Oneechan exclaimed running to the door welcoming Usagi,Mamochan and Minako
"Welcome" I said shly and walk up to the door with Mr toast in my hand "Oh Minako-Chan Mamoru-Kun. Sorry for the noise" Usagi Mom said walking out of the kitchen with mono-Chan and Aron-Chan "chibi-Usa-Chan and Tsuki brought a friend home from school. Usagi mom said while I nodded "oh yeah,Usagi" oneechan said "Usagi" Usagi said "this is momo-Chan and Aron-chan" oneechan and I said "that delicious Chinese restaurant in the shopping district is owned by Moon-Chan and Aron-Chan's Family" Oneechan said
"Now that there going to elementary school they been more friendly" Mamochan said "the way they looked when they greeted us..... An enemy wouldn't be able to do that" Luna said
Then Minako walked up to us with her eyes covered with her hair "then do you mind if I play with you guys, too" Minako said knell down to us "Sure!"Me and Oneechan said that was until me and oneechan saw that Mamochan was holding a dark crystal I dropped Mr t and hold my crystal while walking backwards while oneechan Southed "NO!" While crossingher hand in fort of her while both me and oneechan back up on Usagi mom tears picked up in my eyes mr t saw that and started to moved a little but no notice "what wrong" Minako asked us "chibiusa, tsuki" Mamochan said he said walking closer to us "No! Stay away form Us" we shouted then Mamochan looked at the back crystal 'there Scared of the malefic Black crystal earring?' He thought

Time skip
Me and Oneechan where in her room I was sobbing in Mamochan shirt "chibiusa, tsuki please talk to us what wrong" Minako said "Are you scared of Malefic black crystal is there some screat to it " she asked "because of that stone Our mom is...." Oneechan said "What about your's mom? What happen" Minako asked " Anything about the black moon will do" Usagi said "you know something don't you tell us chibiusa, tsuki" Usagi said "I don't know we haven't done anything" I said "that enough leave them alone for now " Mamo Chan said
"Chibi-usa....tsuki one more question"Usagi Asked As we turned to her "Canyou two aware your not an enemy" Usagi said "Weren't the enemy" I said "but if you won't cooperate, you guys and I can't get along" usagi said running out of the room
Next day
Me and oneechan where at the fountain with Usagi brooch that we took when she was sleeping."Chibiusa, tsuki give me back my brooch" she said as I held it tighter as hold it against my chest as oneechan was in fort of me
She started walking closer to us until both Luna p and Mr t made a noise indicating some dark magic was about to hit Usagi grab both me and oneechan protecting us as we doge the attack and landed on the ground "oh how nimble" he said as his feet touch the ground "that what I expect for sailor moon and the rabbit and the mouse but you won't get away again" he said looking at us " what a pity" he said about to blast us with magic until Tuxedo Mask hit it making it miss us
Time skip after it was done
Tuxedo mask turned to us after he make sure we're okay "tsuki give her the back the brooch" he said " I don't want to lose any more off my friends" Usagi said looking at me "please tsuki" she said I Was in thought before looking at oneechan as she nodded her head tell me to give Usagi her brooch so I did and she transformed in Sailor moon as me and oneechan watched as she destroyed the villain with Tuxedo mask at our side after it was finished they all looked at us "tsuki, chibiusa" usagi said "what were you planning to do taking my brooch,the sliver legendary sliver crystal?" She asked "I knew that no matter how many legendary sliver Crystal I got I couldn't us it but tsuki have us the legendary life crystal since she was a baby" oneechan said making me turned to Mr t and toke out my brooch form him. shocking them all except oncchan "this is the legendary life crystal" I said pulling out my necklace showing them. Shocking them more.

Tsuki brooch

"And I knew that the past legendary sliver crystal could only be used in the past" oneechan said on "And having the past legendary sliver crystal and the future legendary sliver crystal together and the life crystal is very dangerous we were taugh...

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"And I knew that the past legendary sliver crystal could only be used in the past" oneechan said on "And having the past legendary sliver crystal and the future legendary sliver crystal together and the life crystal is very dangerous we were taught all that" oneechan said while I nodded putting my brooch back into Mr t and my necklace back on my shirt. "But even if it's dangerous I thought if I had both of them then maybe with that power I might be able to help like tsuki so we came here" oneechan said Usagi got up and said "the past legendary Sliver Crystal and the future Legendary Sliver Crystal..... chibiusa, what are you saying" Usahi asked oneechan and me held our keys to our chest and said "helps us Sailor moon" "please save the Earth of the 30 Century" Oneechan said

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