Chapter One: Carrie White is a Loser

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notes: Warning from the Author: Anything I write has never been thoroughly planned, and therefore sucks <3 I just really wanted to write a longer fic of Sue and Carrie fic, because the chemistry between them was strong as hell, and Carrie deserved a lot better than what she got.

Disclaimer: Based off the 2013 version of Carrie, and the novel-- but I'm only starting to read the novel, kind of, so I guess that too and headcanons, so many headcanons.


Being a student at Ewen High, Carrie White should hate her life, what with how everyone picked on her, like she was a freak when all she had done was try to be a nice person to everyone, commit no sin, as her mother had raised her to do.Even when they slapped books out of her hands, tripped her, jeered at her, pulled her hair in class, laughed at her, pulled her chair and made her fall, played jokes on her, made jokes about her, cursed at her, and purposefully excluded her-- sometimes in front of her face.

That was fine, though. She understood, or did her best to understand why they were doing what they were doing. There was a lot of quotes in the bible about not hating people, and the bible was always right.

So what if they slapped the books out of their hands? It was a mere inconvenience, and they found it funny, so there really was no harm, and she could just pick it all back up and walk to her classes faster.

What if they tripped her? Jeered at her? It was still harmful, and they didn't know how much it hurt her, it wasn't that bad-- it was a habit form of ignorance on their side and they weren't to blame for what they were doing that they didn't know was hurtful.

Laughing at her expense and playing jokes on her and making jokes about her, could be explained on how they had a different sense of humor than she did. She guessed that if they laughed so hard at her expense, there really must have been something funny that she wasn't seeing and they still weren't to blame for their differences in humor even if it made her feel insulted and embarrassed.

Cursing at her wasn't very acceptable, since seldom was it acceptable for people to curse like that with no reasonable excuse for it, but people that didn't share her similar strong faith could have the tendency to speak in a harsher, more filthy way than she did.

And she really couldn't blame them for excluding her, even she didn't like herself that much, she had no questions about them not wanting to invite a near total stranger to parties or fun friend events because she wasn't anyone's friend.

She was as a loner as loners could be.

They didn't know that what they did counts as bullying, they just thought they were having fun. They weren't at fault. They had good intentions.

She turned the corner towards the pool. Her modest clothing dragging like a dress-- but the only dresses she wore was when she was sleeping, her nightgowns. Dresses, no matter how much they covered up, were immodest. Just one piece of clothing. She had been instructed to let no one see her in her nightgown, for the same reason she was instructed to not wear any dresses.

A long skirt and a fuzzy sweater did better than a dress, it wasn't skimpy, it wasn't one piece of clothing, it covered and she felt comfortable in it. It was like a shield to her, from the rest of the world. Because others may not to be blamed for their behaviour, but that doesn't mean that she was never hurt, or she never wanted to protect herself from those that unintentionally hurt her.

She shed her shield-like clothing off her skin and wore the skimpy shameful swimsuit she was told was mandatory to be allowed to swim in the pools. She liked swimming, liked being in the water, she just didn't like the swimming caps or the swimsuit.

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