omg revenge?!?😱

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reikos pov again bc yea

omg i neeeeed revenge..

but what can i do?? i smell so bad the trees go on fire when i walk past them..

i just got the best idea in the whole world

i should swim in perfume until i smell amazing!!!!

i needed help with this thoughhh..

i'm broke and literally homeless so wtf can i do?!?😢😢

rob a bankkkk...

yes i have to rob a bank

magically i robbed the bank but there was a little problem now

the police are paying whoever finds me 1000000000$...

this is horribleeee.. everyone in the whole country was after me

wow i made a humongous mistake no wonder that red haired girl left me😖😖😖😖

omg noo what am i sayingggg.......

after thinking about it i y my plan would never work

anddd why is that?!?!

because if the whole country wants to find me and catch me who would ever agree in making me a pool of perfume??!😢😢😢

i was bored so i walked

then i saw something

well actually someone

it was unbelievable....

it was?!?!?!?!??


the end woooo🥺🥺🥺💞💞💞💞

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