omg who was it??

2 0 0

the person wassss...

your mom

the end!!💞  #sofunny

ok yeah iwas joking ok ok

i forgot to mention this was reikos pov agaian

the person i saw was......😱😱😱


omg no.... my own old friend wanted to catch me for money..😢😢😖

"hi skunk haha autocorrect i mean reiko"

"vi you actually want to catch me???😢😢"

"yea i want money bro"

"wow.... i can't believe you would betray me like this.."

"i'm sorry okay, it's for the money."

"you should of been on my side!!!" i screamed like an animal bc i'm super doodoo

"why would i be on your side??? you clearly were the one who robbed the bank........"

she was right omg..

"I HAVE MY REASONS!!!" i yelled bc i'm doodoo

"hmmmmmm?????? like what reasons?🤣"

i obviously couldn't tell her this whole thing was all for revenge against her.. i had to lie..

"after you kicked me out i went broke! what else was i supposed to do?🤬🤬🤬"

"idk maybe get a job?"

she was right again.. why didn't i think of getting a job? (bc stupid😆) but it's too late now.

"i'm already worn out from walking, i would have to get a job AND take care of myself? so much more too!! i would have to find somewhere to live, eat, shower, BASICALLY EVERYTHING!!🤬🤬🤬"

i was so proud of what i just said i tried flipping my hair to make it extra but when i did so vi found out i had pounds of dandruff on my scalp + lots of lice.. it was embarrassing

vi laughed a little bit. this was an embarrassing moment for me....😢

after a while of awkwardness vi finally spoke

"ywah ok i'm still catching you"

WHAT???? AFTER MY WHOLE SPEECH??? this was horrible..

haha the end wait for part five👎👎👎

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