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Gang AU (Gang-based story line). Manipulation. Graphic depictions of v10lence. Heavy swearing. Underage dr!g use, sm0k-ng, and dr1nk!ng. V10lent w3ap0ns.
This chapter includes;
Negative police interactions + some topics listed above.
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If you asked Tommy, he would say it was stupid.

It was stupid how he got caught with a can of spray paint by the police as he tried to mark the GEN-t's ever increasing expansion.

It was stupid how they talked shit to him and disrespected him.

It was especially stupid when he hit the officer in the face and then ran.

It was even more stupid how he felt the need to cough up his his lungs and collapse onto the floor as he ran.
It was even almost painfully stupid when his legs shook and crumbled underneath him, almost causing him to fall over.

And yet, he'll digress. He was the one who got caught, after all. So he ran into an alley and hopped a fence before pulling out a pistol. "Piss off or I'll shoot."

One of the two cops chasing him scoffed from the other side of the chain fence. "Please, kid. Put the toy down and-"

It was stupid how he was being wrongfully underestimated, so he took care of it by pulling on the trigger and watching as the bullet fired into the man's shoulder.

Tommy picked up the cartridge that had fallen on the ground and tucked it into his pocket. "And don't try following me."

He left it at that before taking off again, hearing shouts of the cop's partner from behind him. He quickly ran back to where GEN-t would be at around this time.


Tommy held back a wince as a hand was roughly shoved into his shoulder. "Caught again, are you, Innit?"
He simply shoved back, matching the energy that he was being shown. "Piss off, Fire. At least I never let them arrest me."
"You little-" The older cut himself off with a frustrated groan. "Whatever. Just lay low for the rest of today. Someone else can mark the spot."

The blond didn't respond, rather opting to lean against the brick wall of the abandoned and barely half-standing building.

Fire was the only name that Tommy knew the boy as, but he doubted that it was his birth name. Just like how 'Innit' isn't his name either. They all had fake names that they went by, to protect privacy or something stupid like that.
All that Tommy knew was that Fire is slightly older and slightly shorter than him, with hair dark as night and a bandana tied around his forehead every day. He also knew that he was the longest lasting member of the gang other than Dream himself. Rumor has it that Dream and Fire knew each other's real names.

GEN-t was one of the most influential gangs in the area, notorious for being one of the only powers in the area that would take in younger kids. Tommy knew that from experience. He joined when he was 12, after all.

"Innit, catch!" He heard Error's voice shout out. His head whipped around to see the short brunette tossing a glass bottle at him. Luckily he was able to grab it before it hit the ground.

The blond shook his head with annoyance. "You dickhead, what if I didn't catch that?"

Error laughed. "That would suck, for you."
"Prick." Tommy shot back, opening the bottle and taking a swig. The familiar taste of liquor down his throat and looked into his stomach.

When Tommy had joined GEN-t, the only other people there were Dream, Fire, and Error. From what he knew, Dream and Fire started the whole thing, Error joined after the fact. He was one of the originals that were here.
Over the years many have come and gone. Some died, many arrested, few stayed around to actually be memorable.

The others that had stuck around were Bee, Ender, King, and Cake. Bee and Ender were both boys his age, one tall and one short. He'd never seen Ender's full face, as it was always concealed with a black-and-white bandana. Once he had seen the corners of his cheeks when he turned around to drink some vodka, that was about the extent to it.

King was the second-in-command, known for being a traitor to his old gang to join GEN-t. If Tommy remembered correctly, he made some statement about how the fall of his old gang was inevitable, and he wanted to remain in power. Or something like that.

Cake was the only girl that Tommy ever has seen, and probably ever will see, in the gang. She was sweet with pink hair and a German accent. For a while Tommy wondered how she managed to get involved with something like GEN-t, until he saw her single-handedly burn down a whole small business when they refused to give her the money she was extorting out of them. After that day he made a mental note to never get on her bad side.

Tommy didn't realize until now that he had finished the beer bottle he had been drinking. So he set it down to throw out later. He saw Dream talking with King and Fire, making eye contact with the blond. He was quickly ushered over. "Innit, get over here, we gotta talk about our plans for tonight."

He sighed, walking over slowly. He was far from drunk, this wasn't the first time he'd drank. But he didn't want to risk even appearing buzzed in front of Dream. He would get locked up for a week.

"Ayup, Dream."
He received no reply.

"So." Fire began, after a moment of awkward silence, "We need you to investigate something. There's been rumors of SBI's involvement in some recent shootings and robberies in our marked territory. If it's found these are true, we'd be able to take them to war, and you know we've been trying to do that with them for ages."

Tommy knew very well.

SBI is one of their only major rivals. On paper, a much weaker gang with much less territory and few members at their side. In practice, however, it was full of rumored psychopaths with skills that are said to compliment each other in the best way possible. They conquer very little, but when they do, they devastate everyone and everything in their path.

Terrifying, really.
GEN-t knew that something had to be done before SBI craved more territory, but you can't just declare a war unprovoked. Then they'd lose every ally gang that they have.

However, it was an unspoken-rule among most gangs in the world that messing around on someone else's territory was like asking to get beat down.

"Well what do you want me to do about it?" Tommy inquired. There wasn't much to do on his end, unless there was a lead he could follow.

Dream smiled at him. "We have reason to believe that SBI will be planning a robbery at the bank up the north-west end of our territory. Take your phone and get pictures of them doing it. Then we can escalate from there."

The blond could only nod, holding back the chill he got from looking at Dream's smile. It was always off-putting. It looked sweet and harmless, but something in his eyes lead all to believe otherwise. It wasn't like Cake, who could smile and you'd think she was the purest person in the world. When you see Dream smile, you know that you're looking into the eyes of a deranged criminal.

"You got it, big D."
"Don't call me that."

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