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It was a normal day at the Tropical Islands mango cookie was doing his normal thing such as picking up trash from the beach and helping animals who are stuck in some trash and or helping them from being injured as mango was cleaning up some trash in the ocean she saw a shark fin "Oh crap! I need to get out of the water fast!"

As Mango was swimming to shore he was not paying attention to his surroundings and hit his head on a tree that was way to low "ow that hurt" Before Mango could  get up he felt something rap around his waist a yelped as he got dragged back to the water "h-hey! Stop it let me go!" He tried to get free but once he turned his head he saw the shark that was chasing him earlier and got scared

"Oh no oh no oh no!"

The shark stopped to look at him "well aren't you spooked! Look like you seen a ghost!" The shark said "p-please l-l-et me g-go I-I just wh-want to go ho-home" tears started to come out of Mangos eyes

The shark look sad and said "sorry but I have to bring you back to my home...its the rules after all" that made Mango almost cry he was scared and tired as he was cleaning the beach al day and before he knew it was has fast asleep the shark look at him with a sad face "why did I go after him? He just wanted to be back at his home and I'm forced to bring him back home so my family can- can...

Eat him...

Don't be afraid!-Mango x Sorbet sharkWhere stories live. Discover now