Chapter 2 The Gas Arrival

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As she looked outside she seen red growing eyes and a hand on the glass window as tina looked at it she was about to scream when kara put her hand over her mouth she told her don't scream it might hear you and come in as the thing left she noticed that the foggy stuff was here at the hospital and it was not good there was people outside and screaming the thing jumped on the back of a 34 year old woman and started eating her in front of the doctors and nurse's a picture came right under the door.

Tom looked at the pic he new it was the rake as tom looked it creeper him out badly thinking that thing is in the gas as there was a thing on all 4s it turned and hit the window it was the thing in the pic only with red eyes he stopped himself and tina from screaming and thay looked at mr smith  and he went to kara and asked her what is going on she told himshe did not know that when she left the house it looked like it was going to rain and that it was stormy looking.

Betty what is going on here this is a outrage  we can't have this we have patience to care for sir and this is making it hard for us.

Mr smith  yes I know Betty but what can I do.

Kara nothing not much we can take care of the patience but quietly.

Mr smith  yes I agree it will get dangerous if thoes horrors come in here its not looking good.

Betty what the hell is that fucking thing on all 4s.

Kara I know that thing it's the rake a Creepypasta but this one has red eyes why though.

Tina maybe beacuse of the gas like fog it might be irritating the eyes of the creatures.

Tom ya that make sense.

Kara yes it does if the stuff in the air is a gas then thst would make the eyes red irritation your right tina dam your smart.

Tina thanks.

Tom so now what people are dieing out there.

As there was snarling and growing outside there was people who was running away from the creatures out there as the rake herd screaming it left and 5 people ran in and thay fell holding there heads as thay where rolling on the ground a man was screaming that he see the slit mouthed woman and she was trying to kill him Betty seid there is nobody here but the staff as he looked at Betty he got up and ran down the hallway and ran into a wall knocking himself out kara thinks it my be a case of hallucinations from the gas outside so thay prep a room for him and put him to bed as tina and tom came out the other 4 where hallucinating as well a soldier came in all bloody with a scared look on her face as if sheseen her nightmares come true.

Mr smith  ma'am what is your name ma'am please what is your name.

???? I am Sargent brown you need to lock this place down now.

Kara why would we do that.

Sargent brown beacuse the things killed all of my squad thay are all dead i am the only one left from delta squad this is not good the government made this experiment drug to see what it would do to the human mind the and the military tryed to stop this from happening and when we did we where all slaughtered it was bad.

Tom so your telling us ate government made this gas.

Sargent brown  yes I dont what to do we fought back and we could not kill anything these giant snake like things killed my unit it looked like a snake and a lizard merged.

Kara omg no dammit my mom is at home and I just left her there.

As thay where talking blood shoot all over the windows and screams where herd from outside of the hospital as kara looked outside to see what is going on she could not see nothing not even the body's of the dead the only thing she could see is blood on the windows she went to the control room and shut the steel shutters  to keep everyone safe as the shutters was coming karas mom came in with tears running down her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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