Chapter 5

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A/N: Wahhh You are all so lovely! I know people say this all the time but it really does make me happy when I see that people are reading this. :) I'm really not sure how I'm liking this story though... I mean, it's my first one ever but I'm not in love with it yet. Hopefully soon! I'm trying to make it good for you all! Pleaseplease let me know what you think. It helps me a lot.

 Louis's POV

If there was one thing I absolutely hated, it was not having my tea in the mornings. Yorkshire tea, to be exact. Mornings were bad enough without the tea. Tea was the fuel that I ran off of. It kept me going. Kept me sane. Not literally, I suppose, but it was the one thing that I felt like I could depend on. 

Tea every morning. It seemed like only a small consistency, and looking back on it, was rather sad, but it was enough.

It was a Thursday morning when my teapot broke.

Needless to say, the day was shit from the beginning. No tea turned into a flat tire on the way to work. Which turned into having to do a co-workers chart notes and paperwork for the morning since she had called in sick.

I knew these sort of days were inevitable, but who really wants to deal with these kind of days on top of just trying to get through all the other pressures and stresses of life? I sometimes ventured to imagine a perfect word. Absolute bliss everyday. No broken teapots, no paper cuts from manilla folders, and only the most perfectly curly haired boy around me at all times.

But this wasn't a perfect world. This was my world.

I was sat at my desk, inside the building where I had spent the past six years, in and out, paperwork and patients. It never got old though, not when I saw a genuine change in some these teens. Coming in broken, angry, high (occasionally), and leaving with what seemed like a new soul. A fresh start. I let myself think, on occasion, that I had something to do when that change. I hoped at least.

"Uhhmphh," I muttered after about two hours of scribbling on tiny lines, my eyes beginning to cross slightly from focusing them too long.

I needed a break, so I walked down to the employee lounge. As I walked in I spotted my best mate, Liam. He was the assistant the the head therapist, but I always teased him that he should be the actual patient in therapy, not the one learning how to talk to the patients. I walked up behind him and grabbed his sides, tickling him and making him jump a bit. He spun around quickly, a look of slight shock and familiar kindness written across his face.

"Ohh jesus christ Lou. Thanks for startling me. Dick," he said to me as he broke into a smile.

"Anytime!" I replied brightly as I turned and got a snack out of the snack machine. Sour cream crisps always made me happy somehow.

Liam joined me at the table a few seconds later. "So, you alright, Louis? What have you been up to? Any sex scandals or new boyfriends I should know about?" He asked as he winked at me.

I scoffed as I turned to him, "Yeah, every night I have a nice lay and then I kick out whoever is stupid enough to be with me. Honestly Liam? You know me better than that."

"Alright mate, I'm sorry. I just worry about you is all. You never want to come out with me on the weekends, you barely talk to me outside of work, and you just don't seem all that happy."

"I'm sorry, Liam. I don't mean to be a bad friend. I just get so tired after work... and I almost always have paperwork to do or errands the run when I'm not here. But I'll come out with you this weekend. Promise," I said as I observed his expressions. He seemed to be taking me seriously, which I was grateful for.

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