Chapter 7

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A/N: Hii loves. :) Thanks again for reading! It makes me happy that my story gets read by some people! Anyways, I'm trying to update every few days or so to make up for not posting a chapter for so long. Also, if you have any requests for the smut in this story let me know... it's coming up soon. :)

Oh and P.S... there may or may not be some Niall feels in this.

Harry's POV

I was sure he would have pulled away. I was actually counting on it a bit, because honestly I was scared shitless of the fact that I was flying blind, I had no idea if he would be ok with it. I didn't really know that I was 100% okay with it, but my body didn't seem to care about my mind when it acted like a magnet to Louis' lips.

However, he hadn't  pulled away.  So I had kept kissing him.

It was everything I thought it would be, but with more fireworks and exclamation points going off in my head than a normal person should probably experience while kissing someone. But he was so perfect and goddamn sexy and...  just.

I just couldn't stop myself so I had said fuck it and went for it. I had questioned myself too many times, and sometimes...  sometimes I just needed to live in the moment. Sometimes I just needed to do something for myself. For my happiness. Sometimes I needed to release all the thoughts of self-hatred and think that maybe someone could actually grow to like me. Sometimes, I just wanted to kiss him.

So I had.

Now we were sitting back against the wall, panting a bit and not saying a word as we sit outside Mr. Tomlinson's office. Louis' office.

Louis. I smile.

"Louis." The word rolls off my tongue so easy, it feels like breathing. I could get used to this. I can't stop smiling. I blame it on the tan, bright eyed boy next to me. But it could be the fact that I hadn't kissed anyone in a long time and it just felt good.

He finally turned to look at me and our eyes met. They were still a bit wide from the sudden contact I had forced on him, his lips were a bit more plump than normal, and his hair was a complete birds nest. He looked inhumanly perfect. Like something of the heavenly relm. And it was definitely his fault I was smiling.

When he finally spoke it startled me how raspy his voice sounded, "Harry," and he also sounded a bit hesitant. But he was smiling a bit so I figured I wasn't in too much trouble.

"I would say I'm sorry for doing that," I started, "But I'm really not sorry at all. I've been wanting to do that since we went up to the roof the first time together. The only reason I haven't is because I was I fighting myself. And then you actually came here when I called and you have such a stupid sexy voice and a stupid sexy face and you're so stupidly nice and I just couldn't stop myself," I said, a bit out of breath still.

Then he laughs.

He starts laughing so hard that he is on the verge of tears, I think. His hand is clamped over his mouth in attempt to stifle it but it's not working. He is clutching his stomach with his other hand and his face is turning bright red. I am confused. I just told him how I've wanted to kiss him for the longest time and he's fucking laughing at me. God hates me.

"Uhh..." I really have no clue what to say.

I should have known that this shit was too good to be true, being able to kiss him and get away with it. It always is too good to be true. Story of my fucking life.

I was hoping that maybe Louis liked me back at least a little bit, or that maybe I could win him over with my deep voice and charming dimples, something others had apparently always admired about me. I knew he was perfection incarnate but I didn't really see him as the type to laugh at people who kissed him. He seemed so much kinder than that.

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