A white day

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Walking on the snow, it was a really cold day. All we could hear were people's joyful laugh. Everyone loved December. Obviously, because it was the month where Christmas was celebrated. Among all these happy people sat one boy alone on a bench. He wasn't wearing a coat, just a white jacket with a knitted scarf by a grandma or a mom. He took some few deep breaths before rubbing his hands together. 

This is just like every other year 

the boy thought as he looked up to the dark sky. It was currently 7:30 pm in Seoul and this boy was sitting in a park bench in front of the hospital on a snowy night in December. The young man just watched couples and families passing by feeling envious that so many people enjoyed this season, while he was just sitting here. He didn't know what he was waiting for. Perhaps it was a friend? A companion? a lover? He wasn't sure, but he knew that going outside gave him some piece of mind after staying in for way too long, that's when he smelled something.  

Hot chocolate? Sweet donuts?

Before he could process anything, his feet was already bringing him to where he smelled this succulent and sweet aroma. He stopped in front of a street full of trucks and lightnings. Everyone was eating some sort of food they bought on their own, alone or with someone else they cherished this moment with, but the boy didn't care about any of these. His eyes was solely focused on this one truck who was sailing what we could see to be big warm donuts with sugar powder on it. He was already drooling from the thought of eating this delicious snack. He saw how long the line was and thought about joining in, but as soon as he put his hand in his pocket, he realized he had forgotten his wallet. Curse on himself for being a careless human being. All he could do now was stare. He didn't know how long he was staring at the truck, till someone tapped on his shoulders

"want one?" 

That was everything the voice said to make the boy turning towards where it came from. He was already freezing cold and he could see another boy that looked around his age. In his hand was that precious donut he hoped to eat all night. All the boy could do was nod and take the donut from his hand as he starts to eat it eagerly. 

"You must have been hungry. I saw you staring at it for hours, why didn't you go buy one?" The other boy ask him seeing that he was so happy to get donut he yearned for all night. After the boy finished several bite, all he could was look at the floor shamelessly and sighed in the cold.

"I forgot my wallet...that's all" The boy said and sat down on the bench beside the fountain as the other boy followed him and burst into an unexpected laughter only to be responded by a soft glare from the first boy. "Sorry, that was...inappropriate" The other boy says while scratching his neck awkwardly and he sat beside the boy. There was a moment of silence, till the second boy spoke up

"what's your name?" He asks in hope of trying to break this awkward silence that built up between them. "Hwang Hyunjin" He answers as he finally finished devouring the last bits of his donut that was in his hand leaving the feeling of satisfaction coming out from him. 

"I'm Han Jisung, nice to meet you" The sweet boy who smiled brightly introduced himself as he held his hand out to Hyunjin  who was completely freezing, yet he still shook his hand. "Nice to meet you as well.." Hyunjin says subtly and gave Jisung a warm smile. He thought that maybe it wouldn't be a bad thing to have someone to talk to, since he was lonely on this night by himself.

"So, can I ask why are you alone?" Jisung suddenly asks Hyunjin feeling the need to starts some sort of conversation, because he found the other boy quite interesting. Hyunjin just shrugged at Jisung's answer, because he himself didn't know the answer. All he thought about that night was just to go out and get some fresh air. He had been alone for too long that he doesn't even know he it felt to have someone as a companion or even a friend to share memories with.

"I don't even know anymore, I've been alone...all this time, so I thought maybe taking some fresh air could change my mind or maybe I wanted someone to talk to. Like a friend" Hyunjin answer Jisung with a quite vague answer, but that alone made the other smile just a tiny bit. "I get where you're coming from. Life isn't always easy, but hey, maybe we could be friends. I also need someone to talk to. " The words coming out of Jisung's mouth surprised Hyunjin a slightest bit. He didn't think that someone other than him needed a companion, since everyone around him seemed so happy and joyful about this time of the year and Christmas as well. 

"Don't you spend this time of the year with your family?" Hyunjin asks Jisung thinking he probably had a family to spend Christmas time with. Jisung sighed bitterly at Hyunjin's question which made him confused at his reaction. "Let's just say that I don't really get along with my family anymore. Every year at this time, it's just another memory that fades away." Jisung's answer made Hyunjin smile just a tiny bit and he looked at him feeling like they could get along.

"I get what you're saying. Sometimes, we just don't have luck in our lives, but maybe this is why lonely people can find each other. " Hyunjin just let the words spur out one by one, without realizing that he told his deepest thought to someone he just met. "Wow, I think you just described my thoughts out loud" Jisung says surprised that someone could understand him on such a deep level. 

"Hey since we're both alone, how about making this day the first day of being lonely buddies?" Jisung supposedly said randomly without any further thoughts about this offer, but Hyunjin took this as a chance. He really thought that maybe this was what people say when they mentioned you won't be lonely during Christmas, because even if you're alone, there will always be someone out there just like you waiting for you to hold their hands. 

"Sure, let's make this the start of our lonely buddies friendship" he answers Jisung without second thoughts as well. Both of them laughed on this snowy night. For the first time in a while, he felt truly happy.

Hopefully I can be happy. I deserve it right?


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