A Soft Whisper

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After that fateful encounter,  both of the boys exchanged their numbers to keep in touch with each other. Hyunjin would say that their friendship started well. Both of them would talk and text about each other's life and what they do and what they like, such as hobbies and preferences. They both realized that they have many similar interests and it made them happy to know that they could talk to each other about it. On Jisung's side, he felt like Hyunjin was a whole new puzzle or he would say a mystery to him. Sometimes he will tell him about his day and some other times, he was being distant and Jisung couldn't figure out why.

Right now Jisung was working in his local café serving sweets and and making coffee like usual, but his mind was definitely elsewhere as the coffee he was making was already over the capacity of the cup, yet he was still gazing at the wall like nothing was happening. "hello????? HAN JISUNG!" his coworker screamed surprising Jisung and he jumped out of fear as he dropped the coffee on the floor and everyone stared at him like he was some kind of crazy man.

"what has gotten into you? You're usually never distracted during work" his coworker states and raise his eyebrows as he sighed looking at the good spilled cappuccino on the floor. "I'm sorry Felix, I think I'm probably tired today" Jisung answers him as he walks to the sink to clean the coffee stain that fell on his apron by his own clumsy action.  Felix stood up after cleaning the mess as he threw the dirty towel in the sink and gave Jisung the side eye. "Is this about your dad again?" Felix asks as if this was the most obvious path, considering Jisung's unpleasant relationship he had with his dad, this seemed like the most logical expectation for him. Although what Jisung said next surprised Felix more than he thought. 

"Actually, I met this guy the other day" Jisung starts and it immediately draws Felix's attention "wait you met someone? is it a crush?" Felix asks as he was now curious.  Jisung being taken aback by Felix's sudden statement stops him right away "what? no! he's just a friend. We just met on Christmas eve that's all" he answers his freckled co-worker while putting away all the weird thoughts that probably came to this mind. They just met a month ago too, so to say something what was absolutely nonsense to Jisung was an absurd claim coming from Felix. 

However, this didn't stop Felix from questioning Jisung, since he knew the other wasn't really a sociable person, especially since it was on Christmas eve. "You're telling me that you met a guy all alone on Christmas eve? That sounds like fate to me" Felix shrugs through his own words as he went to clean the remaining tables. Jisung just rolled his eyes not believing what Felix just told him. "So? Christmas isn't only about romance you know? plus I just did him a favor and we coincidentally got along well. Also, stop watching so many movies Lix! It's giving you weird ideas." Jisung frown as he argued his previous statement and cleaned the rest of the table since it was almost the end of their shift. 

As he didn't want argue with Jisung anymore on this topic, Felix decided to change the subject by asking Jisung a question that is most likely going to trigger him, but he didn't think it through. "So, have you talked to your dad recently?" he asks the shorter annoyed boy without making eye contact and also payed attention to his surroundings so he could make sure to see if other costumers would come in.  By the mention of his father, Jisung stopped his task right away as he didn't even lift his head up. "no, you know I don't like to talk about my family" he says with a monotone voice and continued to clean the rest of the table up and goes to the back door to take off his apron. Felix knew from the other's behavior that he said something wrong. "Hey sorry, sung. I know you don't get along with your family, but you know I'm always here to help" Felix states as he follows Jisung to the employee's closet. "Yeah I know lix, you're a good friend" Jisung answers him and puts on his coat. He knew his friends never mean any harm, but he still wasn't ready for this conversation. Out of the many people he's acquainted with, only a few of his friends knew his situation. Jisung tried numerous time to escape his father's grasp in the past, but he only ended in failed attempted, so the only thing he could do now was hide. 


Walking on the busy street, Hyunjin searched horrendously for a job. Why? because he was desperate. Coming from a really poor family or rather having a sick brother wasn't making it better for him. He was struggling for a long time, but he didn't give up. Where was this hope coming from? His mother was the reason. She always worked really hard, despite being a now single mother of two wonderful boys.  Therefore, it was now Hyunjin's turn to pay her back by taking on the next step. However, his effort didn't give him good results till now. The night sky was starting to reveal himself and Hyunjin was still jobless. Tired and physically drained, he thought it would be the best if he just went back home for today. As he retraced his way back, the tired boy saw something that could change his life, there was a flier on a small boutique. It looked like and Antique boutique. 'Hiring right now, if you need a job opportunity this is for you. A life changing process'

Reading upon those words 'a life changing process' it made Hyunjin smile. "This is my last chance" he told himself before walking inside the boutique. Once he entered the place, it was all decorated with ornaments. Some that he's never even seen before. He was completely entranced by the place that he didn't even notice the old man behind him. "Welcome my dear friend" the man says surprising Hyunjin on the spot as he held his chest from the surprising impact. "Oh Hello, I'm sorry this place is just really cool" he says while bowing. The man shook his head as he smiled under his bear. He was wearing an old brown sweatshirt and black pants. His hair were all white as his long beard was too. If Hyunjin was honest, he would say that this man looked like Santa. The so called man laughed "it's okay youngster, I've seen many of young people come here, but over the years no one pays attention to this place with new shop opening. Time changes my friend" he says as he sat down on his chair. Hyunjin was surprised to hear such words. This shop had many beautiful things, it would be a shame if no one came here. 

"Sir, please let me work here, I saw the flier outside and I actually came because I want a job. You see, my family is struggling and I want to help them somehow, but I can't find a good job, so this is my last hope, I'm begging you to let me work here" He explains almost kneeling on the floor while doing so. The old man genuinely smiled seeing such a hard working and kind kid in front of him. "I should be the one thanking you kid, you can work here and please just call me grandpa" he says helping Hyunjin get up. The boy was so thrilled to hear this and he thanked him many times. "thank you so much grandpa, I promise to not disappoint you!" Hyunjin says as they discuss with him the working time and he left with such joy feeling his heart. 

"I know you won't kid, I know that" the old man was talking to himself after Hyunjin left looking at an old picture frame.

Hyunjin walked all the way to the park as he suddenly heard his phone ring seeing as he received a text

'Hey Hyunjin? Wanna hang out tomorrow?'

It was a text from Jisung bringing his mood up even more

'Of course'

He replied to him. Right at this moment a soft yet cold breeze grazed this cheeks lightly and Hyunjin realized he was in front of a huge tree. 

That tree was telling him, everything will be okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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