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I see Alex sitting on a bench on the other side of the park so I walk over and sit next to him. "Hey" we both said simultaneously. We both laughed and said nothing.

"So, why am I here?" I ask glancing at him. "I actually don't know, I just really enjoy your company." "okay" I replied looking up to see some children playing on a swing set.

"So do you have a date to formal?" I totally forgot about formal. I wish josh was here to take me.

"No I don't" he then looked at me with a smirk. "Well then would you like to be my date to formal?" "Won't it ruin your rep?"
"Nuh most guys actually think your pretty hot" i was stunned. "Um ok then.."

As I was getting ready for bed kiera texts me and says that we are going shopping for formal dresses tomorrow as I had called her earlier and told her about what had happened at the playground. I responded ok and was about to fall asleep when my mum marched in and was ecstatic about how Alex and I where going to formal together. Don't even ask me how she knew 😒

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