That hurt like an angry bitch on a bad day

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I can't believe what I just did. I am such a douche. I took it way to fast and now I am in danger of loosing her. ARGHHHHHHHHHH, she is just to beautiful to let go. After the kiss we just stood there looking at each other, confusion in her eyes. "Your a good kisser and all, but the goodish girl and the badass boy, sounds just to cliche, don't you think?"

That hurt like an angry bitch on a bad day I thought.

"O-o-okay I'll just go then." Emmy turns around to walk away. "It's nothing personal, okay?" I tell her. "I'm sure" she say snapping at me.

👗Emmys POV👗

I ran home crying my heart out. What a stupid idiot I am for thinking that kiss was special! I thought we had a thing going. He is just and idiot, badass, player and non special. I forget that I have red puffy eyes and tears everywhere, so I walk in the house and slam the door. Mum runs in to see the loud noise was. "Omfg what's wrong baby?" Mum rushes over to me. And yes my mum swears. "Nothing" I answer. "Honey I know that something is wrong. It's a guy isn't it?" Mum knows me to well. "Guys are bastards you know that" mum says honestly. "I heard that" dad yells from upstairs. "Get back to work bastard!!!!!!" Mum laughs. "Come tell me all about this bastard"

Sorry this chapter is short will update as soon as I can

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