Merlin: Old times.

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( This is something I wrote based on the BBC show Merlin, episode 5x13, warning: contains spoilers.)

I don't want to be alone,
Like the sword set in stone,
I just want to take you home
Not to leave you here alone.
I just want to go back to the old times,
When I would bring you all the fancy wines,
As you sat in your throne of dimes.
When I would wake you up as the sun shines,
Just to hear your endless whines.
When you would give me all those chores,
And in the mêlée you would hit the high scores,
When in mornings you would ask me to knock on the doors,
But I just loved to hear your snores.
When we would go on our adventures,
As something weird endures.
When  bandits would try to make their captures,
As i would listen to your lectures.
When we would make fun of each other,
As we go everywhere together.
When I would listen to your every order,
And disobey right after.
I want to go back to the old times
And wake you up as the sun shines
But as I see the light leave your eyes
I realize I'll never hear your whines...

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