-10- Phone

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German pov.
When we were in the plane and Violetta slept, I took her phone. I knew it was wrong but I had to do this. I deleted all her phone numbers. I took a new phone cart and put it in her phone. Nobody from Buenos Aires can reach her. I know it is wrong and she will become so mad at me but I can't see or hear anything from Angie or the other people who remind me at her. I only had one other phone cart for emergency. I will buy one when we are in Germany for myself. There we are going to start a new life. Violetta, Thommy and me.

I put Vilu's phone back and gave Thommy a kiss. How will he react when he will never see his mother again? He is only one year old.

Angelica pov.
I tried to call German. He didn't take up his phone. Then I tried to call Violetta, but she didn't either. What if they are already on a plane? To the other side of the world?

I think they are but how am I going to tell Angie when she wake up.... If she is going to wake up.. That isn't even sure. But I can't live without her and my grandchildren.

She has to wake up and then we will search for Vilu, Thommy and German. I know he isn't a bad man, but he made the same mistake twice.

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