-23- Tantrum

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Angie pov.
I am home now. After the interview we went to a restaurant. Mandy, Zack my mum and I. It was fun but I am really tired now. Rosie walks to me.

"Hey baby, how are you?" I ask her. I sit on the sofa. I stroke Rosie. I am so happy I found her. She is amazing. With her I am not alone. She comfort me.

The bell rings.

When I open the door I see that it's Josh.

"Hey come in." I say.

"I'm sorry. I haven't seen you for a while. I was busy with my new job."

"No problem, I was busy too but now we have time to talk."

I walk to the kitchen and take some drinks for us. When I take the glasses, one of them falls on the ground.

"Uhgr, why does this always happens to me?!"I scream angrily.

"Hey, keep calm. It is just a glass."

"Just a glass? Who do you think you are. Shut your mounth and leave me alone!" After that I begin crying.

Josh walks over to the cupboard and takes my pills. He walks back to me and gives me one. He fills a glass with water and I take the pill.

"Thank you" I say when I have taken the pill.

"You are welcome." He says a bit akwardly.

"I am really sorry Josh." I say with a guilty face.

"No don't say sorry. I understand that this is difficult for you. But I am here to help you."

"Thank you so much Josh" I give him a hug.

Violetta pov.
Me and Christina were still talking. I wasn't finished with my story and she wanted to hear everything so I went on.

"So she was your aunt! Thats amazing!!" She screamed. I just told her about the time I found out A gie was my aunt. I smile a little.

"Yeah it was amazing."

"Were is she now? Is sge here with you? You are nit going ti tell me that your dad ran away again ehh."

"No he didn't. He found out a few days later. First he wanted to leave but she could stop him. I am so glad she could. I have so much because of her." I take a short break. Now is the worst part coming.

"My dad and Angie fell in love. But when my dad knew she was my mum's sister he tried to hide it. He had a new girlfriend. She was nice to me and my dad but Angie didn't trust her. And she was right. She was always right. Also with his next girlfriend."

"Wow your dad have had a lot of girlfriends." She laughed.

"Yes he had. But after 4 years they finally stopped hiding their love for each other and they married. We were a happy family and Angie got pregnant."

"No you are not going to tell me that..." She begins with a sad and scared face. But I nodded sadly. I was going to tell her what she didn't want to hear. Everyone her knows that we are here because my dad's new wife died. Thommy's mother.

"It is true, she is Thommy's mother and she died in a car accident." I begin to cry. Christina hugs me.

"I am sorry." She says.

"You don't have to."

"I am always here for you."

"I know. Thank you."

I hope you like it. Thanks for reading my book and thank you so much for the comments. They are very supportive and I am glad to know that there are people who likes this story. Thank you so much. I try to update soon but I am really busy with school. Lots of projects and everything. But I will try.
Byexxx me.

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