Matako michaelis

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Name: Matako

Nicknames: doesn't have any

Age: 32

Birthday: September 17th

Gender: Cis male

Pronouns: he/him

Sexuality: straight


Personality: due to the nature of his quirk people don't know what his real personality is like

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Personality: due to the nature of his quirk people don't know what his real personality is like. Most think he's just a flirt but once you see past it, he was a sweet guy, a little crass and vulgar but means well.

Quirk/quirkless: has a quirk

When he got his quirk: he was four and when he didn't get what he wanted threw a big tantrum causing other kids to do the same even if they were well behaved.

Quirk: mood manipulation

Quirk description: he can make you feel what he wants, if he understands what you're feeling he can change it quickly. His quirk also changes the atmosphere and the color around him, his eyes glow green.

Quirk advantages: helps him get away from heros quickly or make them turn on their friends and sidekicks

Disadvantages: if he uses his quirk for too long his own mood and emotions get affected and can change his persona. But due to his quirk he Normally has a flirty personality. And it seems to work on females more than it does guys.

Preferred quirk (optional):

Hero/villian: villian but use to be a good hero

Hero/villian name: The manipulator

Hero/villian outfit:

Support items or weapons: I can see him using a staff or daggers to help him fight close range

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Support items or weapons: I can see him using a staff or daggers to help him fight close range

Occupation outside of villian work: runs and owns sweet rose Cafe a cosplay cafe.

Family: Haruka michaelis (his wife) Momoko michaelis (his daughter) and Ren michaelis (his son afab)

Crush: doesn't have one since he's married unless I don't kill of his wife and they get divorced then open

Friends: midnight, aizawa and mic since he use to hang with them when he went to ua

Enemies: most of the heros and endeavor

Likes: baking, cooking, spending time with his family. Keeping his family safe.

Dislikes: people flirting with his wife, people hurting his kids, having to be a villian and lie to his wife

Backstory: he wasn't always a villian, he use to be a really good support hero, until one day he bit more than he could chew which caused a lot of people on a bus their lives, something that haunts him. He got people to forget everything about that. Since that day he ended up doing villians work.


Intelligence: 3/10

Cooperativeness: 2/10

Agility: 4/10

Strength: 7/10

Speed: 5/10

Stubbornness: 10/10

What he looked like in high-school

What he looked like in high-school

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