Bakubro maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad

11 3 2

Nakano P.O.V

"I know. My names Nakano Hoshi."

I feel kinda bad now. I probably shouldn't have gotten so angry at him. I mean, to an outsider, it'd be pretty worrying if you saw someone jumping over a gap that size. And to a hero, well, you'd be an idiot not to try and stop them. Maybe I should apologise? No. That will just make it awkward. I shake Deku's hand. Then it dawned on me. Again. Izuku Midoriya! No. 1 hero! I mean, that's huge! I could feel excitement creep up on me. Maybe he can help me get into UA! Even though I don't have a quirk... I cut myself off there. I will make it to UA. And I Will become the first quirkless hero. I will. I let go of Deku's hand, and waited for him to speak.

"So, what were doing jumping off a building? Were you training?" He finally asked. I hesitate. If I answer, it'd surely lead to my not having a quirk. But I wasn't going to be ashamed of that anymore. I was going to have to deal with it to become a hero. After another moment of thought, I answer.

"Yes. I do parkour every morning. That's just one of the bigger jumps." I didn't mention that I'd never done it before. He'd probably have just scolded me.

"Oh, cool!" He pauses, smiling at me. (Wow, who knew the number one hero was so friendly?)  I dread what comes next. "What's your quirk?" I sighed.

*huff*. "I don't have one."

Deku P.O.V.

"I don't have one." The girl - Nakano - says.

I was taken aback. That was... surprising. I'd never really heard of anyone trying to become a hero without a quirk. Well, except for me. But I'd never really actually trained until I was given a chance to have a quirk. I considered for a moment, studying her face. I saw determination there, and realised something. This girl was more determined to become a hero than I ever was. And, if she had really been training every morning, than maybe she had a chance. And maybe, if she made it, she had a chance of being worthy of my quirk too...

"Please just say something." Nakano pleaded. She seemed so nervous. Then I realised - she was worried about my response to her not having a quirk. I laughed to myself. If only she knew my own story. And I was about to open my mouth to reassure her when an explosion of ash blond hair landed next to me.

Bakugou P.O.V

"DAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNNN DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" I screamed when I finally saw him, setting off more explosions in my hand. Stupid nerd! Running off suddenly on patrol! Fucking nerd! Makin me worried! I grabbed the nerd roughly by the shoulders and shook him.

"Why the fuck did you run off?!?! DAMN NERD!" I yelled. Deku looked at me shocked, and also, for some reason, embarrassed.

"MAKIN ME WORRIED!" I yelled, ignoring the look on his face. I kissed him roughly. I really had been worried about the damn nerd. He runs off way to much! And then I noticed the very shocked girl standin next to us.

I let go of Deku quickly and started yellin. 

"WHO THE FUCK R U? (Yes bakugo somehow manages to use text abreviations in speech) WHY YA HERE FUCKIN LOOKIN AT US YA FUCKIN EXTRA? DIE!" I yelled, actually knocking the girl off her feet. Her blue eyes were very very wide. Served the fuckin extra right! Fuckin perv!

"KACCHAN!" Deku shouted. I looked at him fuming. He looked at me embarrassed and mad at the same time. He gestured to the girl.

"This is Nakano, the very nice girl who DID NOTHING WRONG!" He shouted, putting his hands on hips. Damn, the nerd was fuckin hot when he got mad.

"KACCHAN?!?!" Zuzu (yes this is headcannon he uses a nickname for Deku) yelled in disbelief. Yeah, he knew what I had been thinking. I just smirked at him. Deku sighed in exasperation and turned back to the very concerned and probably very terrified extra.

Hi my lovelies! 

Thanks for reading my second part! I did this one on the same day as the first one cuz u no boooooorrrreeeeeeeed. Also if any of you have a problem with bakudeku DEALLLLLLLLLLL it's cute. Though I ship kiribaku more I still did bakudeku for this one because I wanted to incorporate a gay bakugo without having to go away from the main storyline. Do you like angry gay bakubro? Anyway, byeeeeeeeeeeeeee *ANGRY SANDWICH NOISES*

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