chapter 3

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I walk into the classroom, listen to my music with my earbuds, and head to my front desk to sitting down. I set my book bag down next to my chair and take a seat. I pull out my phone to turn off my music and I look up at the door when someone walks in, and it's Yoongi. He holds onto his blue lunchbox and looks over at me. For a second I feel brave enough to look back, but the moment my eyes meet his, I feel my face turning hot. He walks past in front of me to walk to his desk that's in the back, and I smell his soft but strong cologne. 

"Hey, are you okay?" Adrianna asks as she sets down her bag. 

"Yeah, I'm fine" 

"Since when does Yoongi look at you?" She questions. 

"I don't know, I saw him yesterday at the store, and he looked different but still mean" 

"He's not mean, he might just be going through something," she says, and the school bell rings. 

I put away my phone and take out my sketchbook to do the daily 5-minute art challenges to get our brains going.  

"Mrs.Barns? where did you place the iPad?" Yoongi says, coming up to the front of the teacher's desk. 

"Right here," she says with a smile. 

Mrs. Barns grabs the iPad and hands it to him, making him turn around and look at me. I avoid his look and look over at the screen to read what it is I have to draw today. I grab my pencil and start doing a quick light self-portrait sketch on my paper. I continue drawing until the timer goes off and put my sketchbook down on my table. 

"Starting today, we are going to have two of our students present a quick preview of their portfolio to show to the class. You guys will fill out an online form with suggestions and what you liked the most about what they are making for their portfolio, and today we have Yoongi and Tessa" Mrs. Barns says. 

A girl closest to the door walks up to the light and turns it off so we to see the screen much better. Tessa is the first one to start, and her portfolio is about the struggles of a ballerina dancer and the effects the dancing has on their bodies. She shows us a small preview of her project, and we fill out our forms with suggestions to make her art better. 

Yoongi is up, and his portfolio goes onto the screen. He walks up to the front of the classroom and starts talking about his projects.

"My portfolio is about recycling, I wanted to do something to show how one thing can be reused no matter the damage, here are some digital pieces I have so far, they aren't fully finished like Tessa's, but I run out of ideas quickly. I want to do small sketches and show the life stages of recycled items? I'm using a water bottle for this project, from it being bought to being thrown away to being recycled" 

His rough drafts start popping up on the screen, and I sit there in confusion about what to suggest for him to make it better. I look down at my computer screen, not sure what to say to him. I look back up and my eyes run from the big screen to him. He stands there, watching us, and then he looks over at me. He crosses his arms and my eyes run down from his eyes to his shoulders and to his chest and I freeze. Why am I looking at him like this? 

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