Chapter 2

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That night, while that group was having a party. Jackie was out, again, looking for Shawn. Her mom was at the Byers with Joyce, where they experienced the lights flickering as they called out for the boys. Only to see some monster start to come through the wall. They scream and run outside, only for the light to flicker again and 'should I stay or should I go to?' play again.

After falling in the pool, Nancy sends Barbara home and heads upstairs with Steve. Steve hands her clothes and she thanks him.

"These are Jackie's?" Nancy questions.

Steve turns to her.

"Yeah, those are ones that I had her leave here. I'm sure she won't mind if you use them, just remember to wash them and give them back. You can go change in the bathroom and I'll see you out with Barbara so you guys can go home."

Nancy looks at him and then at the clothes. She then takes off her shirt. He turns and sees her. He blinks and turns back his dresser.

"What the hell! I said to change in the bathroom!"

Nancy blinks.

"I thought-"

"I'm dating Jacqueline!" Steve admits.

Nancy goes wide eyed.

"But Jackie said-"

"She was lying, so get out!"

Nancy clutches the clothes and rushes to the bathroom. Steve rests on his dresser. He sees a photo of him and Jackie as kids. Jackie is hugging his shoulders and he's laughing. He grabs it and looks.

".... I've never slept around with a girlfriend... especially Jacqueline...."

The next morning, Jackie walks out of her room to sees the living room covered in Christmas lights. She blinks. Her mom is sitting on the couch.


Lauren turns and smiles.

"Jelly bean! I have a way to speak to Shawn!"

Jackie looks around and looks back at her mom.


"The lights! He's using the lights!"

Jackie blinks and gives her mom a worried look.

"I know it sounds crazy. But watch!"

She beckons Jackie over and has her sit with her.

"He has been talking to me in Morse code! My smart boy!"

Jackie looks down at papers that are decoding lines and dots. Jackie looks at the lights as nothing happens. Her mom calls out for Shawn.

"Shawn! JJ is here! Come on, show her what you can do!"

Still nothing happens.


Jackie grabs her mom's arms softly.


Lauren stops calling out to the lights and touches Jackie's cheek. Jackie smiles and holds her hand.

"Mom....Shawn and Will are missing. I know you are doing everything you can. But talking to some Christmas lights? You're one of the smartest people I know, you know this is crazy!"

Her mom grabs both sides of her face,

"But it's him....And yesterday at the Byers, the wall-"

"Wall?" Jackie questions.

Lauren sighs and Jackie rests her forehead against her moms.

"Mom. You need to eat and sleep. I'm heading to school. Please rest and when I get home, we'll get back to searching."

I Thought I Lost You - Steve Harrington x Oc StoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora